Monday, July 8, 2013

The Grahaminator at 8 months

Weight: For the first time in a really long time, I don't know his weight... and I'm not worried about it. This boy is a chunk lately!! We'll find out at his 9 month checkup.

Height: No idea.

Clothing size: 9 months!! 

Diaper size: Cloth, but size 3 I think.

Feeding: He gets about 29 oz of formula/ day in 4 bottles, plus 3 servings of solid foods... which he now LOVES.

Sleeping: Bedtime is around 7.30pm now, and naps 2 times a day. It was a rough transition dropping the 3rd nap, and we're still experimenting with his bedtime...

Milestones: 2nd tooth. Scooting backwards! In the video below, he looks so calculated as he scoots, but he's usually just all over the place. :)

What the 48 hours before he cut his 2nd tooth looked like. :(
Poor guy.

The day Daddy lost 3 wisdom teeth, Graham cut his 2nd tooth,
and Mommy lost her mind. :)

Likes: The Ergo!! And basically the same things as last time- being outside, snuggling, moving, and being sung to. He likes being on the floor a TON more now that he can scoot! And we'll add eating to the list!! So happy this is true now. And some random things make him smile super big or die laughing- Going up and down the stairs inside (being held), and bouncing up and down the stairs outside in his stroller. He also really likes this one picture of me and Andrew on the refrigerator. He loves to hear the sounds "mamamamama" and "dadadadada" but hasn't said them himself yet. He loves silly-ness and giggles all the time now when Andrew and I are really silly and expressive with him. So, so fun. And we discovered the other day he thinks it's HILARIOUS when I twirl an umbrella. Ha. Below is him seeing me twirl the umbrella for the first time (from Daddy behind the stroller).


Dislikes: Not being held. Being tired. The church nursery. :( 

Adventures: First Father's Day. Road trip to St. Louis to see friends and Robinson to see Andrew's family. Nonnie and Poppy visit. Hiking.

First Father's Day.
This kid seriously does love his Daddy.
His first hike was probably his favorite day. EVER.

G baby was fascinated and SOOOO happy!

We LOVED time with the Brandts!!!

Sweet profile shot. Mesmerized by Poppy's antics. :)
Swings and smiles with Nonnie.

What we couldn't live with out: THE ERGO. Seriously.
The miracle of the Ergo.
My favorite part of parenting this age: His smiles and giggles!!! And seeing him develop so much each day! Hello scooting!

The hardest part of parenting this age: It really is hard to say anything is hard now, after going through the horrible lack of weight gain months... Ugh. But his second tooth coming in at the same time as Andrew losing wisdom teeth wasn't very fun.