Tuesday, March 25, 2014

24 Weeks with Baby #2

24 Weeks- Baby is the size of a cantelope!
Wow, I am so far behind on this blog!! It has been a crazy month, full of house remodeling and toddler sicklyness. This mama has been exhausted. I'm pretty convinced I either need a nanny, chef, or maid to save my life these days. Whew. At least we've been able to get outside a few random warmer days. And, of course, the big news is...
Another sweet little boy on the way!
We couldn't be more excited!!

I could barely find anywhere in my house to take this pic! Our house is seriously a complete disaster with our home remodel downstairs. Anyway, just a little size comparison between my pregnancy this time around (on left) and my first time around (on right)... I knew I was feeling so much bigger for a reason!! Ha. I've only gained 2 more pounds this time compared to last time, but my belly is just stretched out wayyyyy more! Guess it's true what they say about the first baby stretching everything out!


How far along?  24 weeks. 
Total weight gain? Gained 12 pounds so far. Feeling HUGE, especially compared to last time around.
Maternity clothes? Still rockin the maternity jeans every day. I gotta admit, I love them. They're skinny jeans from H&M I found at a yard sale, so they're super cute and super comfy. Still mostly normal shirts on top, but I have pulled out a few maternity tank tops I've been excited about.
Sleep? Getting up for the bathroom a couple times a night. Plus I started waking up with some back pain these past couple of weeks, so I'm back to sleeping on my side with a pillow in between my knees. This was my miracle worker last pregnancy. 
Best moment this week? Finding out we're having another little boy!!! We were so convinced it was a girl the entire time, just because my pregnancies have been so different, so we were shocked and thrilled to find out it's a boy! When the ultrasound tech scanned across the gender area, the baby moved and the image went away. Before she could say anything or move it back in place, I said, "Was that a PENIS?!!!" Ha! And indeed it was. PDS has trained me well in "Building Boys, Making Men" and I cannot WAIT for Graham to have a built-in little buddy. We've been praying that they will be lifelong best friends. It makes me so happy to think about the potential of their relationship!
Miss anything? Turkey sandwiches. Shirts that fit well. Bending over easily. ENERGY. I have just been completely exhausted. I've been trying to eat more protein and take naps when I need to, but man, I'm just wiped out all the time it seems! I remember they put me on iron supplements last pregnancy, so I'm wondering if that's the case again. Or maybe it's just been this 26 lb. toddler I've been carrying everywhere since he's been sick and teething. :( I do love his snuggles though...

Sweet thing wiped out after the zoo one day.
He never falls asleep in my arms anymore, so I savored every second. :)

Movement? This strong little man makes his presence known all the time!! Tons of movement. It seems like he moves more than Graham did, but maybe that's just because I felt him so much sooner than I did with Graham. Andrew gets to feel him a ton too, which is so fun.
Food cravings? Cookies. I seriously have been craving cookies for the last two weeks of this house remodel, where any kind of cooking is very inconvenient, but doable lately. I finally broke down and made some last night, and they did not disappoint. White chocolate chip oatmeal cookies were divine... Even gluten free! Here's the recipe.
Anything making you queasy or sick? Nope.
Have you started to show yet? Oh yeah. I've been living in my winter coat, so when I take it off these days, people are always surprised I have a legitimate baby bump!
Labor signs? Nope.
Symptoms: Exhaustion. A little bit of acid reflux when I lay down at night after a big dinner.
Belly button in or out? Sick. I hate belly buttons. I've been doing some preggo workout DVD's and I can't even look at their belly buttons poking out through their shirts on the screen. Sick.
Wedding ring on or off? On. 
Happy or moody most of the time? Moody. Come on sunshine!!
Name possibilities? We had our first big name discussion the day we found out the gender, but didn't get anywhere. 
Looking forward to? Starting to decorate the nursery!!! Picking a name. Meeting this sweet boy!!!
Soon Daddy will be pulling two little boys in the wagon!!