Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Owen at 8 months

Weight: I'm guessing around 19 lbs right now? We'll find out next month at his well baby checkup.

Height: No idea.

Clothing size: Moved him up to 12 months pajamas (and wanted to cry a little), but the rest still 9 months.

12 month pj's :(

Diaper size: Cloth.

Feeding: Still pretty much the same. Nursing on this rough schedule- 7, 10.30, 2, 5, 7, 10. I'd love to drop a feeding but we are still not having much luck with solids. This kid is just not a fan. Looking into the baby-led weaning philosophy, which is probably where we're at anyway with all of this. But can I just say I want to throw a party for making it 8 months nursing this one?! Breastfeeding is one of the hardest things I've ever done, and the days of Graham not gaining weight still haunt me. So incredibly thankful we've made it this far with Owen. Hoping for 4 more months!
Looks so big sitting in the highchair!!!

Sleeping: Settled now into 3 naps, and more confident that he's on track with what his body needs.

Milestones: He's sitting a lot better now, but still needs support or he'll topple over. First bath with Graham. First stroller ride without the carseat.

Likes: Being held and walked around. The Ergo- he smiles so big at me every time I start strapping him in. Ha. Graham. More interested in toys now- anything he can chew on.

Dislikes: Not being held-- he really is spoiled rotten when it comes to this. Oopsie. Solid foods. Carseat.

Adventures: Being outside again!!!! Andrew took both boys out alone for the first time-- to the tool shop. :) Playdates. Children's Museum.

We love Chet baby!

What we couldn't live with out: The Ergo. Double stroller. The Boppy pillow is super helpful not only for nursing still, but also to support him as he learns to sit on his own.

Best part of parenting this age: I just love it. And it's even better now that we can go outside!!!!! SUNSHINE!!!!


First carousel ride

Hardest part of parenting this age: Having the capacity for anything else. So I usually just don't. Love my babies. :)

G/O at 8 months- starting to look alike!!