Monday, April 20, 2015

O baby at 9 months

Weight: 20 lbs, 7oz.

Height: No idea.

Clothing size: All 12 months now. Big boy.

Diaper size: Cloth.

Feeding: Making progress on solids, finally! He eats about 4 oz of pureed fruits/ veggies every day now. Not interested in bits of food from our plates yet, but I'm so happy to make any kind of progress. Nursing 5 times/ day. Roughly- 7am, 10:30am, 2pm, 5pm, 7pm. (Finally dropped the 10pm feeding this past week.) It's pretty funny to nurse this age of baby, who is always wiggling and playing with his feet and laughing all while nursing. 

Sleeping: 3 naps now, but I think he'll drop his last one this month. It keeps getting shorter. Sleeping roughly 7pm-7am every night. He mostly flips to his belly to sleep now, but occasionally will fall asleep on his back still. 

Milestones: 3rd tooth! (top right) Sitting really well. (Not even trying to crawl or anything yet- every time I put him on his tummy, he immediately rolls to his back. I'm wondering if he'll be one of those butt-scooters. Ha.) He's saying "dadadadad" and "mamamama" now, not in relation to us, but he's making the sounds. I like it. He claps. And we're completely done with spit-up! Whew. Owen wasn't as bad as Graham about it, but I am more than happy to pack those burp cloths away.

Likes: BEING HELD. He is seriously incredibly spoiled for a second child in this area. Attacking any toy, or really anything, near him. He's really aggressive when he wants something. Stroller walks. Being outside. Graham. Being tickled, surprised, animated faces and voices. 

Dislikes: Not being held. Being ignored. Being tired. Anything not pureed to eat. Toys out of his reach.

Adventures: Outside!! Swings, backyard, stroller walks, community gardens, parks. Double-seater at the grocery store. Easter. Playdates with friends. Music class. MOPS.

Happy Easter!

What we couldn't live with out: Ergo. Double stroller.

Best part of parenting this age: I just love him. His smiles and giggles are the BEST.
Besties. Owen and Lewis were born just one day apart!
A man came up and asked if they were twins. :)

Keepin it real playdate. :)
Max is exactly one month older than Owen,
and Chet is exactly one month younger.
Love all these little buddies.

Hardest part of parenting this age: He's been pretty fussy lately- not sure if it's from teething or being frustrated he can't move, but it has not been his happiest of days the last week or so.