Monday, July 20, 2015

O baby is ONE YEAR OLD!

Weight: His 12 month checkup isn't for a while, so we'll find out then. This kid is solid though. Solid.

Height: ???

Clothing size: Still living in his 18 month rompers. All day and all night... Although a couple them are getting tight! Eek. 

Diaper size: Cloth. 

Feeding: Three nursing sessions a day. Was hoping to drop one before now, but he still doesn't drink a ton out of a sippy cup, and I've been afraid he's going to get dehydrated since we're out in the sun every moment possible. Eating a TON of solid foods lately- about half pureed and half table food. Tried cow milk for the first time on his birthday and didn't hate it! RELIEF.

Sleeping: Same- 2 naps a day, and still sleeping roughly 7p-7a every night.

Milestones: 8 teeth... He loooooooves standing lately. He's taken a couple steps while holding onto things, but seems far from walking on his own. Still not wanting to crawl. He scoots backwards a little on his belly, and scoots on his butt while sitting. 

Likes: His feet- he constantly plays with them in the stroller.  Being outside. There have been a couple times when I have been holding him to check the mail, say goodbye to a friend, etc, where I just step onto the front porch and then come back inside... and he FREAKS OUT. He gets so excited when he thinks he's getting to go outside, and then screams when I bring him back in. Poor kid. Still loves baths, the stroller- as long at it's moving, Ergo, swings, pool, standing up, attention.

Dislikes: Getting diaper changed. Unfamiliar people trying to hold him. Okay let's be serious- ANYONE trying to hold him. He has a DEATH GRIP when people get near him, he's so scared they're going to take him away  from me. Poor kid. Church nursery. 

Adventures: First hike for Father's Day. Lots of family! First Chick-Fil-A Cow Appreciation Day. TURNING ONE!!!

What we couldn't live with out: Ergo. Double stroller. Don't I say this every time?

Best part of parenting this age: Same as last month- As much as I hate that he screams bloody murder any time I'm not within reach, it is pretty sweet how much he loves his Mama. :)

Hardest part of parenting this age: Fevers for both boys this month. :( Sick littles is so sad and hard.

Obaby's 1st bday party!

Let's get serious. I don't have time to write a blog post. So here's Obaby's first birthday party in pictures.
There were balloons and bubbles, pools and cupcakes, friends and family. What more can you ask for?!  He is such a delight to us, and we cherish this little guy, so it was so great to celebrate his first year of life. You have our hearts, sweet Owen!! Cannot BELIEVE my baby is one!!!