Monday, October 10, 2016

Audrey at 6 months!!!

Can I just say that I freaking LOVE this age? She is so sweet and smiley and I want to bottle her up right now.
Weight:  Will find out at her checkup soon.
Height: Same.
Clothing size:9 months!! 
Diaper size: Cloth baby.
First pair of jeggings.

Feeding: Basically the same as last month... Mostly every 3 hours...
Around these times every day: 6:00am, 9:30am, 12:30pm, 3:30pm, 6:30pm, 9:30/10pm
Wasn't planning on it, but ended up giving her some avocado, and she dominated it! Guess I need to get on pureeing some foods for her!! Eek.
Big brother duties. ;)

G thought it was HILARIOUS that she was eating avocado just like him.

Sleeping: Still about 3-4 naps a day, but 2 are nice and long (1-2.5 hours), and 2 are short catnaps (15ish min, while we're out in the morning, or during dinnertime). Sleeping through the night (10pm ish-6.00am ish)!! 
This past month has felt like a bit of regression with sleeping overall, though. Her legs have constantly been getting stuck in the crib slats, she's scooting/ rolling all over the crib now, and forever dropping her paci's out of the crib onto the floor...Which all leads to her not sleeping as well. Finally got some mesh bumpers, which has helped a TON.

Milestones: She's rolling and scooting everywhere!!! Definitely a mover. Even getting her feet under her body and pushing while on her belly, like she's trying to crawl already. What?!! She's been drooling and chewing on her hands like crazy this month, so I'm waiting for her first tooth to pop through anytime. Can't sit up on her own yet, but does pretty good supported by the Boppy or whatever. And the BEST milestone of all- she can put the paci in her own mouth!!!!!!! People. This is big. Lately, when I've been going in to get her out of the crib, she will have one paci in her mouth and one paci in her hand. Hahahaha.

Obsessed with her tongue and feet lately.

Bathtub's getting crowded these days. And I love it.
Likes: Following right in her brothers' footsteps: BEING HELD is baby girl's favorite of all time. Her paci. Avocado!!
Snuggles + hymns with Daddy.
Enjoying the amazing weather lately.

Dislikes: Not being held. BOTTLES. (Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.)

Adventures: First swing at the park. Tons of birthday parties. Tons of outdoor fun, as it was an unseasonably hot September here. First time at Connor Prairie. First time left with a babysitter! Fall festivals. Family visiting. Busy month.
Connor Prairie cutie.
So unimpressed by her first swing at the park. Haha


What we couldn't live without: Naps. As I have faced my second round of developing mastitis with her, I'm reminded that it's good for everyone that I REST. So hard to do when so.many.things need to be done all.the.time, but so necessary. 

Best part of parenting this age: She really does just get sweeter every day, with smiles and laughs and snuggles. Really wish I could bottle this age up. Around this time is definitely my favorite of the baby ages. And it was pretty exciting getting out her fall clothes this month dressing a baby girl is just sooooo fun!

Workout clothes and pajamas is how we Buckle girls roll.

Hardest part of parenting this age: This will probably be the same for a while---Having three kiddos three and under is really really sweet and really really hard. They're needy. They scream a lot. I cry. But I wouldn't have it any other way. Love my babes.

I may have read this somewhere, I can't remember... But when you have a second kid, it's not just adding a kid to take care of to the mix, but also adding a new dynamic between kid 1 & 2, which makes it like 3 relationships to take care of (yours with each of them, plus their relationship)... When you add baby3, it again is exponentially more. Now I'm meeting all the needs of 3 babes, plus managing their relationships with each other and me. Which is like 7 relationships now.... I hope that makes sense. Basically, mommyin ain't easy, but this really is a beautiful stage of life.

Audrey's first hayride