Thursday, November 10, 2016

Audrey Katherine- 7 months

She is adored by her big brothers.
Always fascinated by her big brothers' shenanigans.
She literally gets sweeter every day. She has her moments, but overall is such a happy girl.
Weight:  ??
Clothing size: 9 months

Diaper size: Cloth baby.
Feeding: Basically the same as last month... Mostly every 3 hours...
Nursing around these times every day: 6:30am, 10am, 12:30pm, 3:30pm, 6:30pm, 10pm
She's tried these solids so far: avocado, butternut squash, sweet potatoes, green beans, banana. And she's loved every.single.bite.

Sleeping: She's dropped to mostly 2 naps/day, plus an occasional catnap in the Ergo when we're out in the morning. She's not a great napper- usually her naps in the crib only last an hour. I put her down around 7pm and she sleeps til 6.30am ish, with a dreamfeed when I go to bed around 10. Loves sleeping on her tummy still.
It's impossible to get a pic of her sleeping.

Milestones: First two teeth (bottom)!! Sits with support, but not on her own yet. Poor thing is in the Ergo half her life, so she doesn't get much practice sitting. Need to work on this. ;) First try with a sippy cup- she did it! Jabbering with a lot more sounds.

Likes: Being held. Eating. Bouncer!!! Being outside. Her big brothers- she laughs at them all day long. More interested in toys now, mostly to chew on. Being sung to.
They adore each other.

I like big bows and I cannot lie.

Dislikes: Bottles. :( Anyone taking a toy out of her hands--she screams! Haha. Being tired. Baths.

Adventures: First Halloween- trunk or treat & trick or treating. Fall Festival. Big brother G's 4th birthday.

What we couldn't live without: Big brothers for entertainment. Ergo as always.

Best part of parenting this age: She's the sweetest!!!! LOVING this age!!!

I really really really really hope she's a Daddy's girl.

Hardest part of parenting this age: Always- meeting the needs of 3 littles 24/7 is challenging. But worth it. Love my babes.

Me & Audrey around the same age.

Graham and Audrey. #twins