Saturday, September 21, 2013

The Grahaminator at 10 months

Our neighbor Jonathan. :)
What this month really looked like! Ha.
Weight: No idea, but we still haven't found a food this little chubster doesn't like! You can't look at him without being reminded of God's goodness. So hard to believe he was ever severely underweight!

Height: ?

Clothing size: 9 months... but we will switch to 12 months soon. It's almost time.

Diaper size: Cloth... ?

Feeding: He gets about 26 oz of formula/ day in 4 bottles, plus a lot of solid foods... We'll drop a bottle soon.

Sleeping: Same as last month... Bedtime is around 8pm now, and he naps 2 times a day (3 hours ish total). 

Milestones: Getting over separation anxiety (kind of)... Feeding himself. Scooting forward/ taking a few crawling "steps". Sippy cup. Standing up for a while holding onto things.

Likes: Eating!!! Ha. Being outside, swinging especially. 

Dislikes: The church nursery. :(

Adventures: Ummm being homeless this entire month was enough of an adventure. Seriously. Road trip to Memphis. The fair. Lots of picnics in the park. Walks on the Monon. The Canal downtown.

Remember those 2 weeks we lived on the front porch??

Graham LOOOOOVES Miss Lindsay!! 
We loved being a part of the Reichanadter family for a few days!!
Never a dull moment with Charlotte around!!
I forgot to get a pic with the Zimmermans :(
But Kate did capture this one with me and G's favorite way to be read to.
We love our neighbors! Group project.
What we couldn't live with out: Our amazing neighbors and friends who housed us this whole month!!!

My favorite part of parenting this age: Seeing him learn new things. Seeing him warm up to new people.

The hardest part of parenting this age: Being homeless. :/

We made the wall at Yogulatte! LOVE that place!

At the fair. :)

Friday, September 20, 2013

G money's first trip to Memphis!

I started this post a month ago, but just now finally finished. G's Memphis trip in pic's!!
We were so excited to take Graham to Memphis for the first time, see sweet friends, and watch my old roomie Adrianne walk down the aisle!!! It was such an awesome trip, and Graham did wayyyyy better than we expected traveling so far in the car, sleeping in the Pack 'n Play, and warming up to all his new friends!

This girl got MARRIED!!!!! Miss her SO much.

My friend Abby's sweet one-month-old Rowan and Graham meet for the first time...
And they both snoozed through it. :)

Miss these girls like crazy!!
Paige and Lauren too. :)

The last time Andrew and I were at Swanky's was on our first date!!

My sweet friend's little homie loving on Grahammers.
Completely precious.

The best PDS crew ever!!

Graham baby warmed right up to Aunt Gaye's kisses. :)

He's the only thing that could've gotten me out of Memphis. ;)

Love my Emily!!

Cannot BELIEVE these girls are heading off to college!!
We missed you Bess, Liv, and Maggie!!

First dance as a married couple!!

Ohhhhh Macy. :)