Friday, October 24, 2014

Owen at 3 months

Weight: 14 lbs, 4.5 oz (This is SUCH an answered prayer and sigh of relief. This was when Graham wasn't gaining weight and we had no idea. So thankful for this healthy boy!)

Height: Not sure this month. Will find out at 4 month checkup.

Clothing size: 3 months... But he's about to need 6 month pajamas- I can barely button them up anymore!

Diaper size: Cloth.

He loves checking himself out in the mirror.

Feeding: Same as last month.. Eating every 2.5-3 hours during the day, and longer at night.

Sleeping: Same- napping about 6 times during the day. I always put him down around 10.30 at night and he makes it anywhere til 3 am or all the way til 6.45am a couple times! Usually around 4 or 5 is normal now. Cannot WAIT til this boy sleeps through the night consistently. But I'm thankful he's helping keep my milk supply up this way at least. 

Milestones: He is a major smiley pants. LOVE his sweet grins and giggles.

Likes: Being held. The swing. The Ergo. Stroller walks. Trying to get his fingers in his mouth.

Dislikes: Tummy time. Getting in the carseat. Getting his diaper changed. Pretty indifferent toward the paci.

Adventures: Playdates. Daddy's birthday. Zoo. Connor Prairie. Fall party. Birthday party. Mommy and Daddy's 3rd anniversary.

Owen and Chet... Besties!

What we couldn't live with out: The Ergo. The double stroller. 

Best part of parenting this age: Still loving his smiles and giggles and coos. Can't get enough!!

Hardest part of parenting this age: Juggling meeting the needs of a toddler and a newborn... Not to mention my needs of sleep... showering... etc... :)

Loving time with Nonnie!
Owen's 3 month birthday was also our 3 year anniversary!
He joined us on our date.

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