Saturday, May 16, 2015

O baby at 10 months

Weight: He was 20 lbs, 7 oz at his 9 month checkup, so a little more than that now, I'm sure. BIG BOY.

Height: No idea.

Clothing size: He's mostly in 12 months, but his torso is so long, any one-piece clothing he now is wearing 18 months! The first 18 month romper I put him in, I almost died remembering that's what Graham was wearing WHEN WE BROUGHT OWEN HOME FROM THE HOSPITAL. This kid is going to catch up to his big brother in no time.
Graham asked to stop in the middle of a walk
 around the neighborhood to give Owen a hug.

Diaper size: Cloth. I should probably just take this one off. Let's be serious- I never know their real size.

Feeding: Still making slow but steady progress with solids!!! Someone throw me a party. He's eating about 10 oz. of pureed/ mashed food a day now. He's still not big on non-pureed food, but he'll eat a few bites of cheese/ Puffs/ cereal every day. AND WE'RE DOWN TO FOUR NURSING SESSIONS A DAY. People, this is BIG. I feel like a new woman.
Still trying to figure out the sippy cup.
Sleeping: Down to 2 naps a day now. He really did it on his own, so it was a pretty smooth transition. Still sleeping roughly 7p-7a every night.

Milestones: 5 teeth now! He's super squirmy all the time, and trying to scoot- but hasn't really figured it out yet. He scoots backwards some, which is what Graham did too, before he learned to crawl.

Likes: BATHS. He squeals and shrieks and laughs the WHOLE TIME. I think since he can sit up well, be with Graham, and splash- he's totally started loving it. It's seriously his favorite time of the whole day. I can't wait to see him in a pool this summer.

Dislikes: Graham taking toys from him. Not being able to move. Teething.

Adventures: Music class. Lots of walks to neighborhood hot spots. Backyard play. Mother's Day.

Always making each other laugh. LOVE THEM.

Mother's Day with these cuties.

Snuggles with Daddy.

G showing O the ropes at Music Class.

Loving the Community Gardens.
What we couldn't live with out: Ergo. Double stroller.

Best part of parenting this age: I love seeing Graham and Owen's relationship developing. They really are little best friends already. Totally adorable.

His crooked little grin gets me every time.

Hardest part of parenting this age: I think this has been his fussiest month yet... Lots of crying over teething and not being able to move. :(

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