Friday, February 10, 2017

Owen at 2.5 years

Age: 2.5 Years

Stats: 37.5" tall (90th%) and 30.2 lbs (50-75th %)

Clothes: 2T ... His dinosaur shirt and Superman shirt are definitely his faves.

Favorite foods: YOGURT. Scrambled eggs. Oatmeal. Cheese crackers. Smoothies. Cupcakes of course. He would still begs me to feed him EVERY.SINGLE.BITE. I don't, but that's definitely his preference. Flashbacks to him as a baby refusing to feed himself until 14/15 months. This kid.

Words: He talks all.the.time. He and Graham give each other a run for their money in this area. He wants to have some of the same conversations every day about some of his favorite things... "Big black train, museum, FUN!" and "Gymnastics, foam pit, got stuck, can't get out." (I don't think this actually happened- at least not to him ;) And some of his favorite phrases are
"let's get cozyyyyyyyy!" (when we snuggle under blankets and read books)
"I caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan't!!!! Mommy do it!!!!" (because my boys never went through the "I do it myself" stage and want help with everythinggggggg)
"Jingle bells jingle bells HEY!"
"NO Grahammers!!!!"
"Audrey is so tinyyyyyyyyyy."

He can quote some books and sing some songs, which is so, so fun.

Activities: Mops. Gymnastics (open gym). Children's Museum. Grocery shopping. Playdates at nature center, libraries, etc.

Favorite Friends: Elodie & Lewis, Chet & Beau, Liam & Lynnlee, Cori & Lexi, Chapman & Bennett, Jonathan & Charlotte. 

Favorite Things:
Balls. Obsessed. 
Trains. Big trains at the museum. Little trains at home. Any trains. All trains.
Racing on cars with Graham. Around and around the circle of our downstairs layout. Every day.
Chasing with anyone.
Gymnastics (mostly bouncing on the trampolines).
Books- He's grown a lot in reading longer books that Graham likes too, instead of more "baby" books. His faves are probably  "How do dinosaurs...?" series, Knuffle Bunny series, Thomas the Train, Piggie & Elephant series.
Songs- "Train song," Let It Go (thanks Charlotte ;) , Food Food Champion

Selfies with Nonnie ;)

Siblings: He and Graham are absolute "frenemies," with equal times being sweet and happy with each other, and equal times screaming and fighting over a  prized toy. At times he seems to follow in Graham's footsteps, picking up on things like playing guitar & singing, and at times he sets the pace for the brothers, so I'm interested to see how their relationship plays out over the years. He is a big teddy bear with Audrey-- incredibly gentle and loving and sweet.

Mom's Proudest Moment: How sweet he is with Audrey. He is loud and aggressive and keeps me on my toes... But with her, he is gentle, loving, and kind. Makes my heart melt every time. So, so precious. Also, PEEING ON THE POTTY for the first time!!!!

Dad's Proudest Moment: Peeing in the potty! "Ummmm.... he's just such a cute little kid!!!!" Being sweet to Audrey.

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