Thursday, May 31, 2012

16 Weeks- Twas The Night Before Gender Revealing...

We are DYING to know if Baby Buckle is a boy or girl. When I found out I was pregnant, my first thought was that it was a girl. Since then, however, we have convinced ourselves that it's a boy. He Buckle or She Buckle?? We will find out at 3:45pm tomorrow. Ahhhhh!!!!!
Final guesses:
Andrew: BOY
Jaye: GIRL
I am 16 weeks now, so a little behind on starting this pregnancy blog. To catch you up on the past four months, here are some things you've missed...

My favorite pregnancy memories so far:
  • Praying with Andrew for our sweet baby the night we found out I was pregnant. I was overwhelmed with emotions throughout the day and anxious about so many things. Finally, I was at peace as he went before the Lord and prayed for our little baby's fingers and toes. 
  • Andrew reading Kindergarten books to our little peanut with his hand on my tummy. It was his idea, and he has done it pretty consistently over the past 4 months. Absolutely precious. 
He's going to be the BEST daddy!!
  • Both of our moms SCREAMING when we Skyped them the ultrasound picture/ told them we are having a baby. So fun that they're so excited!!
  • Craving pineapple constantly. Yum.
My least favorite pregnancy memories so far:

  • Being completely exhausted and nauseous the first three months. Blech. 
  • Keeping it a secret for the first three months. Ugh. 

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