Wednesday, June 6, 2012

17 Weeks- It's a BOY!!!!!

We were beyond excited to find out Baby B is a boy!!! It feels so much more real now, as we pray for our son and talk about raising a man. PDS (the all-boys school I worked at in Memphis) prepared me well, and I can't WAIT to be building boys, making men full-time again!! :) We hit a road block with boys' names even before we conceived and haven't made much progress since. I'm picturing being in labor and Andrew finally giving in to whatever name I want. Ha!
I hope Baby B is JUST like his daddy!!

We conquered two biggies this past weekend- yard sales for baby items and registering! Whew. We hit the jackpot at yard sales and walked away tons of stuff for barely any cash. People, yard sales are where it's at!! And we made it through registering at BuyBuyBaby and Target without any fights. :) Success!!! Baby B, we love getting ready for you and can't wait for you to be here!

1 comment:

  1. Great site sweet and informative! I'm so happy for you and Andrew and Your new addition to the Buckle family! <3
