Tuesday, June 12, 2012

18 Weeks- Baby Bump is officially here!

After a month of my stomach just looking like I'd been eating too much, Baby Boy is finally starting to look like a baby bump! I am obsessed with Pinterest, which is where I saw this cute idea of photographing my pregnant belly with the produce to match the baby's size of the week. Andrew can't wait for my stomach to grow big enough to look like I "stuck a basketball under my shirt," but as long as my little sweet potato baby is healthy, I'm fine with him taking his time showing himself. :)
18 weeks- Baby Boy is the size of a sweet potato!

We have been around several of our friends' young children/ babies a lot lately, and it makes us all the more excited for Baby B to get here! Ashley had sweet Macy Jane two weeks ago, and Betsy's little Hank has about six more weeks to go! I have loved being pregnant with those two girls!! 

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