Thursday, June 21, 2012

19 weeks- Normal life...

I was hoping that my week 19 post would be about feeling Baby Boy move for the first time... but no such luck. Every night Andrew and I lie quietly in bed before we fall asleep, hoping I'll feel something. But every morning when I wake up and look down, I see my bulging belly only getting bigger and know it shouldn't be much longer! This week has been lots of normal life stuff for us: fighting and reconciling, trying to learn and love each other,  and making some memories.     
This past weekend, we saw the movie What to Expect and DIED laughing through most of it. I also cried through a couple parts, but I'll blame it on the pregnancy hormones. I'd been wanting to see this movie for months, and it definitely met up to my expectations. Nothing like a good ol' preggo movie to show Andrew I'm not crazy. :) We also celebrated Andrew's first (kind of) Father's Day with pizza and ice cream, his request. He tells me all the time how he wishes it were just November already so Baby Boy would be here! Don't worry, I will make sure to remind him of this during the first few months of sleepless nights. :) But I can't wait to see him be a father; he's going to be awesome!! Andrew checked another house project off his list, and it is my favorite by far: the porch swing!! After he'd painted, assembled, and hung it, I threw on the cute yard sale pillows I'd found, and we sat and swung for hours. Perfect. 

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