Monday, November 5, 2012

39 Weeks- November = Baby Month!!

It's finally BABY MONTH!!!
How far along? 39 weeks.
Total weight gain? 22 pounds.
Maternity clothes? Just whatever will fit over my belly and go with my yoga pants. :) Mostly normal, with some maternity.
Sleep? No good. At all.
Best moment this week? November is finally here!! I remember making the sign above, announcing to Facebook that we were expecting in November. No matter what happens, he has to come out this month! Ahhhhhh!!! We can't wait!! Also, Andrew's cousin Stacey had a baby boy named Rigger, and our next-door neighbor had a baby girl named Charlotte. Graham can't wait to meet his new friends! Our week was also full of parties, weddings, and showers. We loved getting to see friends and family so often and celebrate their big moments, but I am totally worn out!!

Happy Halloween from the ninjas!
Cannot WAIT to dress up Graham next year!!
Miss anything? Energy. Breathing. Not having contractions. Not feeling like I'm going to pass out at random times. Lying on my back. Turkey sandwiches. Being comfortable. Zipping up my coats.
Movement? I think we're already fighting with each other. He attacks my insides, I push him away from my ribs, He keeps kicking, I try to contain him to another area of my stomach... 
Food cravings? Halloween candy!!! How can you not?? I didn't get any candy on Halloween, so the day after I was dying for some chocolate. I talked about it so much, Andrew finally gave in and we bought a big bag... that promptly gave me acid reflux. Bummer.
Anything making you queasy or sick? No.
Symptoms? Exhausted. Acid reflux from Halloween chocolate. Contractions. I have been a bit miserable the past few days with my contractions feeling like bad cramps, having no energy, feeling huge and uncomfortable... I told Andrew I didn't want to leave the house again unless it meant we were going to the hospital.
Have you started to show yet? Absolutely.
Labor signs? At my 38 week checkup, my doctor said I was dilated to 1 and 30-40% effaced. Not much, but it was progress from nothing at all last week! After she checked me, I had a ton of painful contractions for about 4 hours. Until this point, I'd only had a few contractions a day that didn't really hurt. But these were so strong and consistent, I was convinced it was baby time! But the contractions never really increased in intensity or were consistently 5 minutes apart, so I didn't call the doctor. Since then, my contractions have been stronger and more frequent in general. I am doing everything they say can naturally speed up labor- walking, eating spicy foods, etc. But I don't think anything is happening faster; I am just becoming more miserable. Ha. I was walking laps around Wal-Mart the other day when it was rainy and cold outside, and a guy worker asked if I needed help with anything, saying he'd seen me pacing. I laughed and said, "Nope, just trying to walk this baby out!" Pretty sure security should have been following me after that. :)  
Belly button in or out? Out. Ew.
Wedding ring on or off? On.
Happy or moody most of the time? I think I hit the miserable mark this week... Just ready to have this baby!!
Name possibilities? Oh little Grahammers.
Looking forward to? The Grahaminator's arrival of course!!! I cannot believe I will be holding our son in my arms so, so soon!!!

Surely someone shoved a basketball under my dress?!!

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