Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Thoughts from the Baby Daddy!

I saw an interview with the dad-to-be on another preggo blog and thought it'd be fun to get some of Andrew's perspective on my pregnancy recorded before this baby comes! Andrew played along, so here we go...
The hubs the night we found out we were preggo!
Celebrating at Cheesecake Factory.

(Jaye) What's been the best part of pregnancy?
(Andrew) Do I have to pick just one thing? Seeing the ultrasounds, watching Jaye's belly grow, reading to Jaye's belly, praying over Jaye's belly, getting the nursery ready.

What's been the worst part of pregnancy?
Not being able to snuggle as close to Jaye as I used to ... and watching Jaye be uncomfortable.

What are some of your favorite memories over the last 9 months?
Coming home and seeing everything laid out when Jaye first told me she was preggo (a onesie that said "I love Daddy," the 3 pregnancy tests that all showed positive, etc.); telling a random Menards lady that we were expecting (since we kept it a secret for the first three months, we were both dying, so we told a few random strangers, the Menards lady being the first person Andrew told- ha!); telling our Moms and calling family with the news; reading to Graham; praying for Graham; camping.

What's been the most surprising thing about pregnancy?
How much I worry about stuff- Is our baby okay? Is he functioning? Will Jaye survive? When other people go through this, I think everything will of course be just fine, but I lose all objectivity when it involves us.

What has been the hardest over the last 9 months?
Thinking of ways to serve Jaye and love her. It's an increased opportunity to do it, and I'm not great at it to begin with... But we didn't fight any more than we normally do.

Are you nervous about labor?
Yep. About something going wrong, of a certain person yelling at me, complications, being cranky when I don't get any sleep.

What are you nervous about being a dad?
Being cranky with no sleep, loving Graham and Jaye well, balancing all the roles of life.

What are you most excited about being a dad?
Teaming up against Mom... Doing guy stuff- rolling over, walking, shooting guns. The basics.

What kind of dad will you be?
Drill sergeant. No, just kidding. Hopefully warm and caring and thoughtful, one who mentors his little boy into a man. That's what I want to be.

How will you get through the sleepless nights the first few months?
Jack Daniels... Well, I took 4 weeks off... so I guess I'll sleep when he sleeps?

What has Jaye missed the most during pregnancy?
Turkey sandwiches.

What has Jaye most needed to hear in pregnancy?
That I think she's beautiful.

Is Jaye the stereotypical preggo woman?
Nope. I expected ridiculous mood swings- crazy lady, sobbing all the time. She hasn't been like that.

Has Jaye had any crazy preggo hormone moments?
I think there were two times. I remember thinking that this was probably a pregnancy moment and smiling, even though she was really mad. It was okay the next morning. I don't remember what it was, but I remember thinking, "Why are we fighting?"

How did you feel when Jaye told you she was preggo?
Similar emotions to that of a deer who sees headlights. Unsure if he should step out of the way or stand still.

(He was totally shocked at first, but obviously warmed up to the idea quickly as we snapped these photos right after I told him the news and has been so, so excited ever since. :))

How did you feel when you first felt Graham kick?

What baby chores will you help with? 
Financial support.

What baby chores will you dread?
I know I won't have to change any diapers, but if I had to... that's what I'd dread.
(In case you haven't picked up on Andrew's sense of humor yet... We're both laughing at this point because we KNOW this is not true! He will be helping with the diapers. Period.)

What's your favorite baby item you've received/ bought?
Cloth diapers. Video monitor. Crib.

How do you think life will change once we have a baby?
I'll have to be less selfish. I'll have to slow down.

What do you think Graham will look like?
My eyes, Jaye's smile, our hair.

What do you hope little Graham is like in general?
Persistent with things he tries to do/ goals he sets; caring; unwavering in his faith; strong in all senses of the word.

What are you most looking forward to once Graham is born?
Just having him in my arms. Looking at him, talking to him, singing to him.

One of my fav preggo pic's of all. Andrew LOVES reading to Grahammers.

The start of our cloth diaper collection.
Andrew is seriously so excited about this!

Andrew really has been the BEST through this whole experience. 
So patient, supportive, helpful... I couldn't have asked for more.

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