Monday, October 22, 2012

37 Weeks- Full Term!! And Worrying...

Wow, look at that belly grow!!! Pre- baby bump to 37 weeks... full-term baby boy!

How far along? 37 weeks. Officially full term! We made it!!
Total weight gain? 20 pounds.
Maternity clothes? I heart sweats. Here are my favorite yoga pants from Target that have gotten me through the third trimester. It's really my only pregnancy must-have. Mine are black, and I'm wearing them in the pic above.

Sleep? Not sleeping very well at night. Needing naps a lot.
Best moment this week? Welp I wish we were celebrating being at full-term, but instead we're back to Worry-land again. After my 36 week appointment and ultrasound, my doctor told me that her gut instinct says that everything is fine with Graham baby, but she wants to be sure. So she is sending me to a prenatal specialist with better ultrasound equipment to remeasure his head, check blood flow to the brain, etc. They couldn't get me in for several days, so my doctor had me come back to see her the next day. They monitored his heartbeat and movement for a while and said everything looks great with that. So now we just have to wait a couple more days to hear what the specialist says. Andrew has been great through all this, taking the role of being the strong one since I have been more of the disaster. :) I know this is the first of many, many times I will not be able to do anything for my child, but trust God and wait. It's just so hard.
Miss anything? Oh you know, normal things. Sleeping and breathing mainly. :)
Movement? He is always kicking up my ribs these days. I think he's gotten taller in the last couple weeks. Ow.
Food cravings? The usual.
Anything making you queasy or sick? No.
Symptoms? Weak and light-headed at random times. Tired.
Have you started to show yet? Mmmm-hmmm.
Labor signs? Lots of Braxton-hicks contractions. Still not hurting, just tightening up my whole belly. So crazy my body knows just what to do to have this baby! God really did design it this way.
Belly button in or out? Still flat...
Wedding ring on or off? On.
Happy or moody most of the time? Anxious.
Name possibilities? Graham baby!!!
Looking forward to? Hopefully getting some concrete answers from the specialist that Grahammers is just fine.

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