Monday, October 15, 2012

36 Weeks- One Year Anniversary & Nursery Progress!

36 Weeks- Feeling huge!!!
How far along? 36 weeks. Nine.months.pregnant... Wow. It really has flown by. Peeing on the stick (okay, okay, on three sticks just to make sure!) and telling Andrew we're going to have a baby seriously does not feel very long ago.
Total weight gain? 19 pounds... and feeling huge.
Maternity clothes? Just wanting to be comfy all the time now. Bundling up in old sweats mostly.
Sleep? I've been having to get up to go to the bathroom a lot more lately in the middle of the night. And having multiple crazy, vivid dreams each night. Needless to say, sleep isn't great, and I need a nap about every other day now.
Best moment this week? Celebrating our one year anniversary! Can't believe we had a baby celebrating with us. :)

1 year ago today! We said "I do" in Jamaica on 10.15.2011.

Well the chalkboard writing didn't really show up,
but here we are celebrating our anniversary this past Saturday night.

Anniversary dinner out with the hubs.
I sure do love being married to him!!

Our "wedding cake" (shower cake, whatever :)) from a year ago...
Not bad after being in the freezer that long!
Nursery progress! Andrew and I have been working so hard at painting, cleaning, organizing, buying, returning, washing, decorating, hanging, rearranging everything in Graham baby's room. It's starting to look like we're actually going to put a baby in there! Finally! Here are some pic's of some of our progress...
We love our crib!! We ordered online from Target, and it is exactly what we wanted.
The personalized canvas is just waiting there until I decide what else to hang on that wall with it.
And our video monitor is peeking out from behind the lamp. We are so excited about that thing!!

The curtains are navy blue and light blue,
the only "theme" we really have going on in here.

Glider, changing table, and bookshelf full of sweet blue things. :)
Graham baby will have no problem being clothed for the first year of his life!
Thanks to all our friends and family who stocked us up. :)

The next item on the to-do list: figure out what to do with this wall of built-ins.
I love the storage but can't figure out what to do with it.
We removed all the built-in doors to paint the walls brown,
and I'm thinking I'll paint them white with brushed nickel knobs. Any suggestions?

Also, my 36 week appointment isn't for a couple more days, so we will see what the ultrasound reveals this week. Trying not to be anxious about it.

Miss anything? Sleeping through the night. Breathing normally. BEING COMFORTABLE.
Movement? He is passing his kick counts like a champ! My doctor says his movements are his one voice to me to tell me everything is okay, so each day he seems to be screaming that he's doing just fine. :) I can tell he is getting bigger and stronger as he seems to be staking more and more claim in my stomach as days go on. Ouch.
Food cravings? I've been wanting more comfort foods lately- sweets and carbs. Not sure if it's from the weather or my nerves or what... Or maybe the fact that I made a surprisingly amazing pumpkin cake and it just really wants to be eaten... But how could you not crave that??
Anything making you queasy or sick? No.
Symptoms? The usual. I get very weak, shaky, and light-headed when I'm really hungry these days, feeling like I'm going to pass out. I'm going to have to start stashing snacks in my purse more often. Pretty tired this past weekend. But honestly, the third trimester hasn't been that bad for me overall. My first trimester was the worst by far- every day nausea and total exhaustion. Sooooo glad that's over.
Have you started to show yet? Yep.
Labor signs? I didn't really think I had been feeling anything, but in the past 24 hours, I think I've been recognizing some Braxton-hicks (practice) contractions. They don't hurt, but my belly just gets really tight and hard all over. Weird.
Belly button in or out? Flat. Have I mentioned how much I hate belly buttons in general?? Ready to not think about mine anymore...
Wedding ring on or off? On.
Happy or moody most of the time? Still happy but anxious.
Name possibilities? Not feeling creative with the nicknames right now.
Looking forward to? Hopefully a good report after the ultrasound this week...

Baby Checklist:
  • Paint nursery
  • Decorate/ organize nursery
  • Finish built-ins wall in nursery
  • Wash everything that might touch Graham baby's skin
  • Pack hospital bag 
  • Pick pediatrician
  • Install car seat
  • Clean out freezer
  • Hospital tour
  • Read up on childbirth, etc.
  • Finalize (buy, return, exchange) baby gear

Things I thought I'd never hear myself say... But here they are coming out of my mouth. Often.

  • "My alarm hasn't gone off yet this morning, but I'm so uncomfortable, I'm just going to go ahead and get up."
  • "I'm going to use cloth diapers for our baby."
  • "I'm really hungry. I think I want some meat."

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