Monday, October 8, 2012

35 Weeks- "Measuring Small" & Maternity Pic's

How far along? 35 weeks. Eek!!!
Total weight gain? 18 pounds. 
Maternity clothes? Somehow most of my "normal" shirts and sweaters still fit over this belly, so I'm rocking normal on top and maternity on the bottom mainly. I can't wait til I can fit into my skinny jeans and cords again, though. Until then, I have a couple pairs of maternity pants for work and sweatpants for every second after work. :)
Sleep? Sleep has been okay lately...
Best moment this week? First, we probably should cover the worst moment this week... At my 34 week checkup last week (after I wrote the blog), I was "measuring small." So basically they measure my uterus at each visit, and it's supposed to correspond to the number of weeks I am. So I should've been 34 cm at 34 weeks. I measured 32 cm instead. My doctor didn't act very concerned, but said she wanted me to have an ultrasound just to make sure everything was looking okay with Graham baby. This was the first time in my pregnancy my doctor has not said everything looks "great" or "perfect," so of course I started freaking out. Graham still moves around inside me like a maniac, and his heartbeat was good and strong... but could he not being growing and developing like he should be?? After I left the office (the ultrasound lady was gone, so it was scheduled for today), I immediately texted Andrew, then called my mom, crying, and Googling anything I could find on the topic. Mom insisted I was probably just having a small baby, like all the women in our family. Google was surprisingly reassuring as well. But I just couldn't face the fact that something could be wrong with our precious baby. Did I do something wrong? Could I have prevented anything? What is the worst case scenario here? Finally, Andrew came home from work, and between his reassuring words and God's numerous promises, my heart found some rest. 
And so we know and rely on the love God has for us.- 1 John 4:16
God is for us. -Romans 8:31
O my Strength, I watch for You. You, O God, are my Fortress, my Loving God. God will go before me. -Psalm 59:9
I had my ultrasound this afternoon, and the three biggest questions were answered: Graham weighs enough (estimated around 5 lbs, 5 oz.), is getting enough amniotic fluid, and is not breech. The only thing that could be "off" is that his head is measuring small, but they said he is just a small baby, so it's probably fine. They had a hard time measuring his head on the ultrasound anyway because it is already buried in my pelvis (TMI?). They want to do another ultrasound at my appointment next week just to keep track of it. Worst case scenario is that Graham would have to be delivered early if his head size doesn't develop, but they said that is a long way off, and everything is most likely fine. Their words were reassuring, but things like this are still hard to hear and interpret. Andrew surprised me and came with me to the appointment, which was soooooo nice. He really is the best. Now I'm just trying to cling to God's promises and not freak out... Ugh. They want me to do "kick counts" every day because they say Graham's wiggles are his voice to let me know if something's wrong. After I eat a snack, he's supposed to kick 6-10 times in an hour. As soon as I got home, I ate a pear, sat down, and put my hands on my belly to feel him. 8 kicks in 2 minutes! He's fine, right?!

On a lighter note, I wanted to get a few pictures of me and Andrew during this sweet pregnancy time full of anticipation, dreams, and uncomfortableness. :) Some of my Pinterest poses ambitions didn't exactly look like I thought, but here are some of my favorites... :)

Miss anything? Bending over easily. Turkey sandwiches. 
Movement? Kicks, punches, wiggles, stretches... I'm not sure what all he's doing in there but it always feels like the Olympics.
Food cravings? I heart pineapple. 
Anything making you queasy or sick? No.
Symptoms? Still crazy dreams every night. Tired most afternoons. Shortness of breath for little reason. 
Have you started to show yet? Definitely showing. People at the grocery store or wherever make comments, but no random stranger has tried to touch my belly yet.
Labor signs? No.
Belly button in or out? It's still flat, but the skin right on top of it definitely sticks out. So weird. I don't mind it when people I know touch my belly, but I kinda freak out when they rub over my belly button. Ugh.
Wedding ring on or off? On.
Happy or moody most of the time? Happy but anxious.
Name possibilities? Graham. Graham. Graham. We cannot wait to meet you!!!
Looking forward to? Finishing the nursery and a bunch of other random things on my checklist.


  1. Graham will be such a sweet blessing! How neat that he is already turning you to the Lord for comfort! Excited with you!

    1. Lauren, you're so right. I'm guessing your life is pretty full with your three kiddos these days! Hope you're enjoying marriage and parenting! Miss you friend!!

  2. Livy really never measured 'on target'. And, because I didn't gain much weight, they were convinced she would be a 6 lb baby...but guess what? She was 7lb 13 oz and 19-1/2" long. I'm sure Graham is healthy and strong in there, but I know that mommmy feeling when you can't hold and see that your baby is ok :)
    Glad things are going well, praying for and looking forward to his arrival!

    1. Thanks Leah! I appreciate your story and your prayers so much!! Hope you and your sweet fam are doing well!

  3. You are absolutely beautiful, Jaye! You, Andrew and Baby Graham are in my prayers.
    My pintrest ideas don't always turn out either :D The pictures are great regardless! Miss you, girlie!

    1. Carley, thanks so much!! I just looked on FB and saw that you have a blog! I can't wait to read about your adventures in Korea... I love seeing your pictures! Miss you friend!
