Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Thanksgiving in Tennessee!

Most of these are from my Mom's camera. I always wish I'd taken more, but we had a great time eating lots of turkey with my family!

Graham lovin on his Great Grandmom.

Probably my favorite pic from this trip.

Graham looooooved his Uncle David.

These were incredibly hilarious.

I mean....

Lots of play time with this little cousin cutie.

Family Photo Shoot

We just headed to a beautiful college campus in our city, and set the timer for these ourselves. We were pretty happy with how they turned out!! Love this time in my life. :)

G-money's 1st birthday bash!

Did my baby boy really just turn one?!! As Andrew and I reflected on this past year, it is undeniable that it was marked distinctly with God's goodness. During the last month of my pregnancy, there were concerns about Graham's small head size and brain development. He was born completely normal and healthy. Then there were months of agonizing as he just could not gain weight when he was just a tiny little thing. I've never cried more tears or been more scared in my life. A few months later, he exceeded the doctor's expectations and hit the 50th percentile on weight... and has remained quite the little chubster! God's mercy and love and goodness will pursue us all the days of our life! Psalm 23. We are so incredibly thankful for the gift of this little life. We love being parents and are filled with joy over Graham. People say the kid won't remember his first birthday party, which is true. But this is a huge milestone for us as parents and we wanted to celebrate! Welcome to our sweet little man's Mustache Bash!

Pretty convinced that besides his first bite of sugar,
this was his favorite birthday activity!!

Sunday, November 10, 2013

The Grahaminator is ONE!!!

Sweet birthday boy.
1st birthday party blog post to come...

Weight: He was 23 pounds about 2 weeks ago! His one year checkup is tomorrow.

Height: ?

Clothing size: 12 months.

Diaper size: Cloth... ?

Feeding: He took 2 bottles a day this past month, plus a lot of solids. He has started to become a little more picky on food lately. He loves fruit and his all-time favorite food is cheese. Sounds like his Daddy. We ditched the formula and introduced cow's milk on his birthday, and he did awesome! Totally off the bottle now.

Diggin the raspberries. 
Sleeping: Same as it's been for a while... Bedtime is still around 7.30- 8pm, and he naps 2 times a day (3 hours ish total). 

Milestones: Pulling up all the way. Standing for a few seconds without holding onto anything. Taking a few steps while holding onto things. More teeth- we're up to 7 now.

First time he stood up without me in the room.
So proud of himself.
Cutting teeth is no fun.
Likes: Standing. Moving. Bouncing. Being held. Strolling. Blocks. Chasing his blue ball. Throwing toys. "Helping" Mommy with chores, like folding laundry and wrapping presents. :)

Bouncing faces.

Looooooves throwing out all his folded clothes onto the floor.

Dislikes: Still the church nursery. :(

Adventures: Playing with cousins. Children's Museum. Celebrating Mommy and Daddy's 2nd anniversary. Being sick. :( Nonnie visits. Halloween trick or treating. Neighbors' 1st birthday parties. Chick Fil A playground for the first time.

Blocks with cousins. 
More blocks with more cousins. 
Fascinated by the leaves blowing in the wind at the new Playscape at Children's Museum. 

Our 2 year anniversary.

He looooooves his Nonnie.
Bahahahaha! Neighbor babies at the first 1st birthday party on the block.

What we couldn't live with out: Jesus. Seriously. It's all I can think of this month, but so true.

My favorite part of parenting this age: His little personality and skills just continuing to develop. So incredibly fun to watch!!

The hardest part of parenting this age: Him not being able to communicate what's wrong when he's fussy or sick. :(

This kid and his expressions.

Happy Halloween!

Sunday, October 20, 2013

7 Experiment: Clothes Week Complete!

Day 1 in stripes!

Welp I survived clothes week of 7 (see previous post)! The first few days honestly weren't so bad at all. It felt like I had a school uniform each morning, so I'd put on an outfit from my slim picks of 7 articles of clothes and go on with my day. What's the big deal? Then, about mid-week, I went on a walk with neighbor, who is also doing the experiment. The temperature had dropped, and both of our feet and toes were turning to icicles as we pushed our strollers in our flip-flops, with our kids bundled up in coats and hats, covered with blankets. Ha. It's Indiana people!! From this Southerner, it still feels like the Frozen Land up here, okay??

The kid had on wayyyy more than 7 items on this walk alone. :)

Anyway, as we chatted about 7, I realized I was missing the whole point of it. I had approached the week kinda like a steamroller- just hunker down and get through it. It might be tough at some points, but you just keep pushing through and then it'll be over soon. Totally missing the heart and really, the whole point. What could God teach me about people who wear flip-flops year-round, who don't have hats and coats for their babies? I never even think about them. I don't even know who they are. What about the overabundance of clothes that could come pouring out of my closet on day 8, warming me and giving me an endless variety of options for any occasion? As Jen did in the book, I decided to count all my articles of clothing. I was almost embarrassed to do it. I remember sitting down with Andrew while we were engaged and combining our budgets. I was mortified to tell him the average dollar amount I spent on clothes per month while single. I've never cared about brands of clothes or spending a ton on one piece, but I like a lot of clothes from cheap stores, on sale. A lot. And it adds up. But whether I buy my clothes at the most expensive store or at a yard sale, it's still materialism in my heart. So I inventoried my closet. 248 pieces of clothes/ shoes. This is not counting swim suits, underwear, socks, or accessories. 248 pants, shirts, dresses, skirts, shorts, coats. 248. That could clothe a ridiculous amount of people instead of just me. EXCESS. And honestly, even after that, the next time I was around a big group of people, I began to notice all the cute, new, stylish clothes around me and wanted to go buy similar ones. There is a battle going on in my heart, so it is a good thing the next week of 7 is Possessions- where Jen gave away 7 items from her house each day for a month! I will give away 7 items a day for a week. God is only beginning to open my eyes and shape my heart in this area, and it's already painful. There is always an excuse not to do something like this, and mine last week was our anniversary! I wanted to wear a really cute outfit, special for that day. Last year, on our first anniversary, I was 8.5 months preggo and not feeling so cute. We couldn't travel anywhere or really do much, so I wanted this year to be different- complete with cute outfit and fun plans.
2 years baby!! Simplifying and loving it!
I finally decided just to set aside one shirt out of my 7 items to only wear on Saturday, and the night before we were planning on leaving to go to Ikea in Cincinnati, I realized there was no way I could go. We don't NEED anything for our house. Just like I don't NEED any more clothes. We are always in the middle of ongoing projects to improve our 96 year old house, but I am learning increasingly what "need" really means. I realized there was no way I could go and enjoy myself there, as I battled inwardly between wanting to buy everything I saw to make my house so much cuter and, at the same time, being disgusted with myself and how materialistic my heart is. At first, I remember muttering something about how this book is ruining my life! Ha. So at the last minute, we decided to cancel the trip and just do fun, free stuff around Indy that we've always wanted to do. And it was awesome. Sweet memories, fun times. Simple; no excess. And I'm even pumped about deciding what 7 things I should give away today!

Confession #1: My jeans were so saggy in the butt by day 5, they were falling off me. I did a wash and dry of all 7 items for the sake of everyone near me.

Confession #2: Today I relished every second of pulling on my thick, lined, warm boots and wearing three layers on the top half of my body.

Here is a quote from the book...
"There is something noble about an assembly of believers in simple clothes, where the lobby isn't filled with people saying, "You look pretty" to one another. Maybe looking pretty isn't the catalyst for the Spirit's movement. Perhaps an obsessive occupation with dresses and hair and shoes detracts us from the point of the gathering: a fixation on Jesus. When the jars of clay remember they are jars of clay, the treasure within gets all the glory, which seems somehow more fitting."-- Jen Hatmaker

Yikes. Still trying to sort through all of this in my heart, but I am more willing to go there now, more than ever before.