Sunday, November 10, 2013

The Grahaminator is ONE!!!

Sweet birthday boy.
1st birthday party blog post to come...

Weight: He was 23 pounds about 2 weeks ago! His one year checkup is tomorrow.

Height: ?

Clothing size: 12 months.

Diaper size: Cloth... ?

Feeding: He took 2 bottles a day this past month, plus a lot of solids. He has started to become a little more picky on food lately. He loves fruit and his all-time favorite food is cheese. Sounds like his Daddy. We ditched the formula and introduced cow's milk on his birthday, and he did awesome! Totally off the bottle now.

Diggin the raspberries. 
Sleeping: Same as it's been for a while... Bedtime is still around 7.30- 8pm, and he naps 2 times a day (3 hours ish total). 

Milestones: Pulling up all the way. Standing for a few seconds without holding onto anything. Taking a few steps while holding onto things. More teeth- we're up to 7 now.

First time he stood up without me in the room.
So proud of himself.
Cutting teeth is no fun.
Likes: Standing. Moving. Bouncing. Being held. Strolling. Blocks. Chasing his blue ball. Throwing toys. "Helping" Mommy with chores, like folding laundry and wrapping presents. :)

Bouncing faces.

Looooooves throwing out all his folded clothes onto the floor.

Dislikes: Still the church nursery. :(

Adventures: Playing with cousins. Children's Museum. Celebrating Mommy and Daddy's 2nd anniversary. Being sick. :( Nonnie visits. Halloween trick or treating. Neighbors' 1st birthday parties. Chick Fil A playground for the first time.

Blocks with cousins. 
More blocks with more cousins. 
Fascinated by the leaves blowing in the wind at the new Playscape at Children's Museum. 

Our 2 year anniversary.

He looooooves his Nonnie.
Bahahahaha! Neighbor babies at the first 1st birthday party on the block.

What we couldn't live with out: Jesus. Seriously. It's all I can think of this month, but so true.

My favorite part of parenting this age: His little personality and skills just continuing to develop. So incredibly fun to watch!!

The hardest part of parenting this age: Him not being able to communicate what's wrong when he's fussy or sick. :(

This kid and his expressions.

Happy Halloween!

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