Tuesday, December 10, 2013

G-money's 1st birthday bash!

Did my baby boy really just turn one?!! As Andrew and I reflected on this past year, it is undeniable that it was marked distinctly with God's goodness. During the last month of my pregnancy, there were concerns about Graham's small head size and brain development. He was born completely normal and healthy. Then there were months of agonizing as he just could not gain weight when he was just a tiny little thing. I've never cried more tears or been more scared in my life. A few months later, he exceeded the doctor's expectations and hit the 50th percentile on weight... and has remained quite the little chubster! God's mercy and love and goodness will pursue us all the days of our life! Psalm 23. We are so incredibly thankful for the gift of this little life. We love being parents and are filled with joy over Graham. People say the kid won't remember his first birthday party, which is true. But this is a huge milestone for us as parents and we wanted to celebrate! Welcome to our sweet little man's Mustache Bash!

Pretty convinced that besides his first bite of sugar,
this was his favorite birthday activity!!

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