Tuesday, February 11, 2014

18 Weeks with Baby #2

Baby is the size of a sweet potato, and
I'm really starting to pop out!!
How far along?  18 weeks.

Total weight gain? Gained 5 pounds so far.
Not sure if these are the culprit of my weight gain or the baby. :)
Thanks to our friend Matt; your cookies hit the spot for baby and Mommy!
Maternity clothes? Definitely maternity jeans every day now. Still wearing normal stuff on top.
Sleep? Just getting up a couple times to pee.
Best moment this week? Feeling this sweet baby moving everywhere all the time!! I LOVE IT. And Andrew got to feel it already! This is all so much earlier than it was with Graham.
Miss anything? Hmmmm. I am just so used to not eating/ drinking all the stuff they tell you not to eat/ drink, it just seems normal right now. So I will stay on my cold weather soapbox instead. I want spring!!!! Longest.coldest.worst.winter.EVER.
The day I became a mall walker. G liked the stroller more than the kids' play area.
This is what we do cooped up inside. Sit in buckets. Ha.
Movement? This baby is a mover!! I think I felt movement with this one around 13 weeks, but it hasn't been consistent or strong until this past week. Now I feel it a lot, and it's so fun!!
Food cravings? Pineapple. Sweets.
Anything making you queasy or sick? Nope.
Have you started to show yet? Oh yeah.
Labor signs? Nope.
Belly button in or out? In.
Wedding ring on or off? On. 
Happy or moody most of the time? Moody. Not sure if it's preggo hormones or this weather. :(
Name possibilities? We have some ideas, but we're still waiting on the gender to really decide. 2 more weeks til the gender ultrasound!!
Looking forward to? Finding out if it's a boy or girl!!! I'm dyyyyyyying to know!! We are still guessing it's a girl.

1 comment:

  1. Love the page! So happy, and looking forward to another sweet baby in our family. Prayers for safe baby, momma, and healthy delivery. Love you all, and dad too! Best Wishes. I really love all the time and effort you have put into this page/blog. <3
