Monday, April 21, 2014

A few Easter pic's!

Egg hunting with Dadddy. 
Baby's first Easter egg hunt.

On the hunt.

Easter service in Midtown's new church building. 

Little precious.

Baby #2 Checklist

Baby Checklist:

(This is more for just me to keep track of stuff!)

  • Sew pennant banners for both boys
  • Sew paci clip
  • Sew onesies
  • Sew matching bowties for both boys
  • Take maternity pic's (with us, A reading to #2, etc)
  • Sew burp cloths
  • Sew blanket
  • Re-do G's life verse canvas

  • Move mine & Andrew's desks out of nursery #2 
  • Clean out closet in nursery #2
  • Touch up paint in nursery #2
  • Clean nursery #2
  • Decide on chest of drawers design for A to build
  • Pick a life verse for baby 2 for Andrea to paint on canvas
  • Thank you notes from shower
  • Make sure baby 2 is on Andrew's insurance
  • Decide about newborn pic's
  • Pull out all of G's newborn stuff and see if anything works
  • Pull out all nursing stuff
  • Have A make growth chart for kiddos
  • Hit up yard sales & Goodwill 1/2 off day for baby deals
  • Find or make matching "big/ little brother" shirts

  • Pack hospital bag for me and baby 2 & make sure A's is packed too
  • Pack bag for Graham, including instructions
  • Wash newborn clothes, blankets, etc.
  • Install carseat
  • Make freezer meals
  • Daddy interview for blog
  • Decide on name (if not before!!)
  • Move changing table into hallway for boys to share
  • Move glider & table into our room
  • Set up Rock n Play and changing area in our room
  • Move pappazan chair to G's room
  • Get my hair highlighted :)
  • Hit up yard sales & Goodwill 1/2 off day for baby deals
  • Make a list for Mom when she comes (how to care for G, where stuff is, alarm system, food, etc.)
  • Have Andrew put together double stroller

  • Finish reading "Bringing Up Boys"
  • Finish reading "A Mother's Heart"
  • Hit up yard sales & Goodwill 1/2 off day for baby deals
  • Meet this sweet baby boy!!!!!!!!!

To buy (or hopefully receive)...
    • Crib
    • Crib mattress
    • Double stroller
    • 10 ish more cloth diapers
    • Bigger trash can for cloth diapers
    • Small wet bag for cloth diapers
    • Big wet bag for cloth diapers
    • Washcloths to use as wipes
    • NB size disposable diapers for the first month
    • Crib sheets
    • Mattress pad
    • Clothes (too bad he won't be born in the same season as Graham!)
    • Pumping parts? (need to check on this)

Baby's First Mule Day in pictures!

My mom is the Crafty McCrafterson behind these mule shirts.
It was Andrew's, Graham's, and Baby #2's first Mule Day experience!
Bahahaha!! One of my fav pic's from the weekend.
Graham & cousin Kaleigh
This kid! LOVE HIM.

Sweet cousins!
Watching the parade downtown with the fam!

Piano in pajamas!

Sweet cousins.

28 weeks with Baby #2

28 Weeks. Baby is growing!!!
Graham wanted to be in this week's pic. :)

We attempted self-timer maternity pic's with a toddler... Yikes.
This is how I felt most of the photo shoot. Seriously. 

The only halfway decent one with all three of us in it. :/
How far along?  28 weeks. Third trimester!!! 
Total weight gain? Gained 16 pounds so far. I feel HUGE and I can't believe my belly is just going to keep stretching out for the next 12 weeks. I told my doctor at last month's appointment that I feel huge and exhausted. She said, "Welcome to 2nd pregnancy!" Awesome. She did reassure me that my weight gain and measurements and everything look great, and to help with the exhaustion, she encouraged me to let Graham walk as much as possible so I don't have to lug him around too. Little does she know how much that boy loooooooves to be carried by his mama. :/
Begging to be picked up as I attempt to brush my teeth. :)

Maternity clothes? Maternity on the bottom all the time, plus yoga pants. I've started wearing some maternity on top too. My belly is just getting too big for normal shirts.
Sleep? Starting to get really uncomfortable sleeping. Waking up a lot, tossing and turning. My belly is too big to lay on now :( so I just go back and forth from side to side. Ugh. And I'm so exhausted anyway I've been taking a nap most days when Graham naps. My friend recommended a body pillow, which I need to look into.
Best moment this week? I think Graham has started to notice my big belly. He's been patting it lately when I hold him. I always say, "baby" when he does, which he hasn't tried to repeat yet... But it's really super sweet. Now when I say "baby" anytime, he pats my belly. I know he has no idea what's going on, but it's sweet that he's making some kind of connection. We talk about "little brother" all the time and I am still loving thinking about their friendship to come. We also took a family mini-hike on a warm day, which was soooooooooo nice. G LOVES riding on Daddy's back.

Miss anything? I really want a strawberry margarita. Really bad. And a turkey sandwich. I've been drooling over Andrew's sandwiches lately. And I still miss all of my normal clothes fitting, bending over easily, and having energy. And just being comfortable in my own body... And sleep!!!!
Movement? He is a mover and a shaker! This is one of my favorite parts of pregnancy. I feel so connected to him when he's flipping and kicking around. Love it.
Food cravings? Cereal. Sweets. Fruit.
Anything making you queasy or sick? Nope.
Have you started to show yet? Seriously? I need to take this question off! Today at the grocery store and music class, several people said they thought my belly had grown a lot since last Monday! Ha.
Labor signs? Nope.
Symptoms: Exhaustion. Pressure from baby on my lower belly, especially when I exercise or go up and down our stairs a lot. I didn't feel this until later on with Graham, but I've felt it a lot lately.
Belly button in or out? It's still doing that weird thing where the skin on top of it sticks out, so it totally looks like the whole thing is out through my tight shirts. I hate it when the whole thing actually does pop out though...
Wedding ring on or off? On. 
Happy or moody most of the time? I've just been a lot moodier this time around. The winter and exhaustion don't help.
Name possibilities? Making some progress!! Whew. I thought this day would never come. Andrew now has a top 3 instead of a top 1! Ha. Still in the discussions.
Looking forward to? Still the same- decorating the nursery, picking a name, meeting little sweet pea!!

This precious little thing. I want to kiss his face off.