Monday, April 21, 2014

Baby #2 Checklist

Baby Checklist:

(This is more for just me to keep track of stuff!)

  • Sew pennant banners for both boys
  • Sew paci clip
  • Sew onesies
  • Sew matching bowties for both boys
  • Take maternity pic's (with us, A reading to #2, etc)
  • Sew burp cloths
  • Sew blanket
  • Re-do G's life verse canvas

  • Move mine & Andrew's desks out of nursery #2 
  • Clean out closet in nursery #2
  • Touch up paint in nursery #2
  • Clean nursery #2
  • Decide on chest of drawers design for A to build
  • Pick a life verse for baby 2 for Andrea to paint on canvas
  • Thank you notes from shower
  • Make sure baby 2 is on Andrew's insurance
  • Decide about newborn pic's
  • Pull out all of G's newborn stuff and see if anything works
  • Pull out all nursing stuff
  • Have A make growth chart for kiddos
  • Hit up yard sales & Goodwill 1/2 off day for baby deals
  • Find or make matching "big/ little brother" shirts

  • Pack hospital bag for me and baby 2 & make sure A's is packed too
  • Pack bag for Graham, including instructions
  • Wash newborn clothes, blankets, etc.
  • Install carseat
  • Make freezer meals
  • Daddy interview for blog
  • Decide on name (if not before!!)
  • Move changing table into hallway for boys to share
  • Move glider & table into our room
  • Set up Rock n Play and changing area in our room
  • Move pappazan chair to G's room
  • Get my hair highlighted :)
  • Hit up yard sales & Goodwill 1/2 off day for baby deals
  • Make a list for Mom when she comes (how to care for G, where stuff is, alarm system, food, etc.)
  • Have Andrew put together double stroller

  • Finish reading "Bringing Up Boys"
  • Finish reading "A Mother's Heart"
  • Hit up yard sales & Goodwill 1/2 off day for baby deals
  • Meet this sweet baby boy!!!!!!!!!

To buy (or hopefully receive)...
    • Crib
    • Crib mattress
    • Double stroller
    • 10 ish more cloth diapers
    • Bigger trash can for cloth diapers
    • Small wet bag for cloth diapers
    • Big wet bag for cloth diapers
    • Washcloths to use as wipes
    • NB size disposable diapers for the first month
    • Crib sheets
    • Mattress pad
    • Clothes (too bad he won't be born in the same season as Graham!)
    • Pumping parts? (need to check on this)

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