Monday, June 16, 2014

Baby Daddy Thoughts on Baby #2!!

Thoughts from the Baby Daddy!

I did this with Andrew when I was preggo with Graham and loved hearing Andrew's perspective on my pregnancy, fatherhood, etc. So I had to do it again. Here's his take this time around with Owen...

Right after we found out Owen was in my belly!!!!!

(Jaye) What's been the best part of this pregnancy?
(Andrew) The anticipation of having another little boy! I like envisioning what it will look like having two boys so close in age... Thinking about years future with them--camping, hiking, wrestling, playing with trucks and dirt. Watching the boys together... It's fun to think about.

What's been the worst part of this pregnancy?
Trying to remodel the house while my wife is pregnant. Watching Jaye being exhausted.

What are some of your favorite memories over the last 9 months?
My favorite mental picture is seeing Jaye holding Graham with her baby bump, thinking, "That's my family!" It makes me excited. Watching Graham come over and pat Jaye's belly when we say "baby."  Thinking about Owen's name and what we want to pray into his life.

What's been the most surprising thing about this pregnancy?
How fast it's gone! It seems like we just talked about getting pregnant and here we are 9 months later. Also how my anxiety has changed. I used to be nervous about having/ caring for a child at all when Jaye was pregnant with Graham. Now I'm nervous about managing a home. Not so much, "How will I keep an infant alive?" but now, "How will I keep sanity/ peace in my house, especially on days that are rough for my wife and kids?"

Are you nervous about labor this time?
Not as much this time, since I know more what to expect. I think on the day Jaye goes into labor, I'll get anxious about things that could go wrong. But now I just expect them to go right since they did with Graham.

What are you nervous about being a dad of 2 kids?
Graham being loved enough when all the attention goes to  Owen at first. Thinking how to love Graham and minister to him, while making special memories with Owen....How to balance my fathering time.

What are you most excited about being a dad of 2 kids?
Just thinking about what the years ahead will hold with 2 boys. Just picturing all the things I'll get to do with my 2 boys.

What kind of dad will you be to 2 boys?
The need for a wrestling ring increases with 2 sons. I'll probably go to referee school. Probably pick up mixed martial arts training. Breakfast, time with God, and wrestling matches will be a daily routine.

How will you get through the sleepless nights the first few months?
Ambien. Or Jack Daniels. (Ha.)

What has Jaye missed the most during this pregnancy?
Sleep. Being a normal size. Being able to be close to me or Graham, without the big belly in the way. Energy. Turkey.

What has Jaye most needed to hear in this pregnancy?
That she's beautiful and not fat, but pregnant. Those are different. She's valued, that this is a special and unique time to cherish, and it'll be over soon.

Is Jaye the stereotypical preggo woman this time around?
No. I've yet to see her crave pickles and ice cream. Not that many emotional breakdowns... Hard to tell if the ones she did have were from pregnancy or the house remodel.

Has Jaye had any crazy preggo hormone moments this time?
We have been remodeling our house for the last 3 months. Our fridge was in the dining room instead of the kitchen most of that time, so you had to walk through the living room to get back and forth. As I moved the fridge back into the kitchen, she cried tears of happiness. But I don't think that was a pregnancy moment. I think it was a house remodel moment... So, no.

How did you feel when Jaye told you she was preggo?
Excited. Thankful.

How did you feel when you first felt Owen kick?
Excited! I felt more part of the pregnancy at that point... Prior to this, it's like Jaye's experiencing the pregnancy alone, with me just being a spectator. Once I could feel him kicking, I felt like I was right there with him too.

What baby chores will you help with? 
Basic provision. Shelter, financial stability for food, a free education at Ivy Tech.

What baby chores will you dread?
Changing poopy diapers. Soothing screaming babies... And I do mean babies, because we will have two. Supervising without Jaye at any point.

What's your favorite baby item you've received/ bought?
Double stroller. Bike trailer to pull both boys behind me on my bike. Excited about going on bike rides with them both.

How do you think life will change once we have another baby?
I'll be more tired. I'll have to die to some of my introverted tendancies. There will be a lot more farting jokes. There will be a lot more laughter... Some crying, mostly laughter. My sword fighting skills will increase, because every little boy should know how to sword fight.

What do you think Owen will look like?
Tom Sellek's mustache.

What do you hope little Owen is like in general?
Strong. Humble. Compassionate. Loving. Fun.

What are you most looking forward to once Owen is born?
Wrestling matches.

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