Monday, June 16, 2014

36 weeks with Owen

How far along?  36 weeks. 9 months pregnant. Cannot believe I'm this close to the end!!! It has gone SO fast; way faster than the first time around. I feel like overall this has been SUCH an exhausting pregnancy that I've wished it would just hurry up even more. But, as our 3 month house remodel comes to a close and Graham becomes more independent, I have had more energy. Finally. I've been savoring these last sweet moments where it's just me and Graham, but also cannot WAIT for little Owen to get here and start a whole new family dynamic. 

Total weight gain? Gained 26 pounds. More than with Graham, but still in the recommended healthy range, so I'm happy with it.

Maternity clothes? Really tired of wearing the same few outfits that fit. Can't wait to get back into normal clothes.

Sleep? Pretty much every night is just miserable at this point. I toss and turn all night, unable to get comfortable, not to mention how often I have to get up to pee. :( At least soon when I'm getting up all the time at night I'll get some sweet baby snuggles!

Best moment this week? House remodel coming to a close. Allison's shower. Time with family. Father's Day. Splash pad with Graham. Hearing everything looks good with little O! Also, just so many of my good friends are pregnant!

Miss anything? Same as before...

Movement? Owen sure is an active little guy. My belly jumps around all the time from his kicks and wiggles. So funny to watch!

Food cravings? Andrew bought me some Pop-Tarts the other day and I devoured them... But he was out buying gluten free stuff for his camping trip, so he got me the healthy kind. Now I want a box of the sugary-bad-for-you-stuff really bad. :/ Also, pineapples, strawberries, and kiwi. 

Anything making you queasy or sick? Nope.

Have you started to show yet? Oh yeah. Everyone I see has a comment or question about my baby coming! The best lately came from a little 5 ish year old girl at the ice cream place, "How is your baby going to get out of there??" Hahahahaha. I didn't want to traumatize the poor kid, so I told her to ask her mom.

Labor signs? I haven't had any more scary times of intense contractions like last month. But I do have contractions a LOT. And just in the last few days have they started to get uncomfortable. Not painful like I'm going into labor, but not just the normal tightening of Braxton-Hicks either. I remember I had a couple weeks of this with Graham. Hoping that means we're a couple weeks out from Owen! Once I hit 37 weeks and it's safe for Owen to come on out, I will be doing everything possible to naturally encourage him to come on!

Symptoms: Contractions. All the time.

Belly button in or out? Out. Ew.

Wedding ring on or off? On. 

Happy or moody most of the time? Moody about the remodel. Happy about the baby!

Name possibilities? Owen.

Looking forward to? Getting Owen's room set up. Getting this show on the road!

Can't wait to be snuggling both my boys!!

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