Tuesday, July 1, 2014

38 weeks with Owen & Nursery Progress!

Carseat installed! Can't believe this is my backseat!!

How far along?  38 weeks!! So close to meeting this sweet baby!! My friend Ashley had her baby boy a couple weeks ago, and holding him totally melted me. I cannot WAIT to snuggle my own little Owen in my arms!! At my 37 week appointment, I was dilated 2- 2.5, which was way more than I expected. (I was a 0 with Graham at that point.)

Total weight gain? Gained 28 pounds. I want dessert after dinner every night... and I haven't been very good at resisting. :/

Maternity clothes? Yep. Definitely on top... And normal yoga capris or athletic shorts almost every day.

Sleep? I've just accepted the fact that sleep will not be enjoyable for another few months. At least I'll have a baby to snuggle soon in the middle of the night!!

Best moment this week? The crib coming early!!! Making progress on the nursery! Having energy to "nest." Our sweet friends the Brandts coming in town. Lazy summer nights in the backyard with our neighbors, sharing dinner, good convo, and kiddos playing.

G loves playing with "big kids"...
We love sweet Kuyper and Eva!

Pretty proud of these matching onesies for Graham & Owen.
Learning to sew has been well worth it, but these are tough to learn to master!

Graham at the splash pad. He was drenched a few minutes after I took this. :)

Miss anything? Counting down the days til I can have a turkey sandwich! :) It will be the first thing I order in the hospital. Also just feeling comfortable in my own body and clothes... and being able to hug Andrew tight. 

Movement? Yep. He is strong and active and shoves my belly around everywhere now!

Food cravings? Cereal. Any fruit. Any dessert. 

Anything making you queasy or sick? Nope.

Have you started to show yet? I took Graham on a walk today, and a neighbor that I don't know very well was sitting on her porch. Her comment when she saw my belly? "When was your due date? Yesterday?" I know, I know. I'm huge and so ready for this baby to make his appearance!! 

Labor signs? Nope. I thought by this point, I'd be walking 5 miles a day, running up and down the stairs, eating spicy foods, etc, etc... whatever it would take to help this baby decide to come on out. But since I've had energy lately and actually been able to get some stuff done, I've been taking it easy and just trying to accomplish a few more things before he's born! I think I'll start doing all that stuff around 39 weeks now. ;)

Symptoms: Contractions. Some have been uncomfortable/ crampy lately, but nothing bad. Lately Owen has been stomping on some sensitive nerve in my upper right leg. It's shockingly painful but only lasts for a second each time. I had some back pain and acid reflux/ heartburn with Graham, but I've barely had any of that this time around, which has been awesome!

Belly button in or out? Out. Ew.

Wedding ring on or off? On. 

Happy or moody most of the time? Feeling much happier now that the remodel is contained and close to being completed, and I am able to get some stuff done with normal-ish energy.

Name possibilities? Owen!!!

Looking forward to? I can't believe I'm about to meet this sweet thing!!!! Will he look like Graham? What kind of baby will he be? How will Graham react? How will he nurse? How will I juggle two? I can't wait to start our new normal as a family of 4!

And now, some nursery progress updates... We still have several things I want to do/ finish, but here's what we got so far...
We moved the changing table out of G's room and
into the hallway so the boys can share.
The crib came in today!!
The hubs set it up and we are ready to go!
Pretty proud of the banner I sewed too. :)

We are leaving the double bed in the nursery
 so family and friends can still come stay with us.
Graham never even really liked being rocked that much,
but I was so sad to take the glider out of G's room and move it into Owen's!
Graham's room is becoming more boyish instead of babyish, even though he's still 19 months and in a crib. ;)
Can't wait to rock sweet Owen in this!
Dresser we recently bought from sweet friends.
Debating on if I should paint it white or navy?
Still decorating the shelves on top, but they so far include framed Pinterest printables,
"LOVE you" and "Be brave, little one", plus an ultrasound pic,
 and a "special book" from one of our sweet neighbor friends
who we love to learn about parenting from!
Closer up.
Owen's hospital bag and Boppy are packed and ready to go!

This will be completed hopefully soon and hung in Owen's room!
I'm waiting on a big navy "O" to dry as I type,
and then I'll paint his life verse at the bottom, I think... 

Crowded closet, but getting organized, so I'm happy!
Little boy will have plenty of clothes!

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