Thursday, July 10, 2014

Come on baby Owen!!

Summer nights with our awesome neighbors!

We have been making the most of this summer, making fun memories with Graham and friends, but let's be honest- Owen's upcoming arrival is all-consuming. It's what I think about, pray about, talk about... Owen, we are so ready to meet you!! We really hope we're counting down the hours at this point! My official due date is this Sunday, July 13, but since I went into labor with Graham 5 days early and I've been having a ton of contractions this time around, I have been completely convinced Owen would come pretty early. As always, our kiddos seem to keep us on our toes and remind us that we are not in control. I have been listening to these lyrics over and over and meditating on God's goodness in everything, specifically His timing for Owen's birth. As anxious as I've been, I have to remind myself that ultimately, I want Him to pick O's birthday, not me. He is smarter than me and beyond good to me, which does bring peace.

My God is a Giver, an overflowing river
Pouring His lavish love on us
Season after season we give Him every reason
To stop but He never does

Ohhhh the goodness of God is flooding my heart with peace
Ohhhh the goodness of God is bringing me to my knees

4th of July festivities!
Neighborhood block party & the zoo.
Love these girls!
Remodel progress- painting the new downstairs bathroom!!!

I will say being 9 months preggo in the middle of summer is not a piece of cake. Overall, this pregnancy has just been overwhelmingly exhausting, but so worth it to bring little Owen into this world. Sweet boy, we want to snuggle you in our arms so bad! Come on out!!

In the spirit of counting down, here's what's been going on the past week or so...

7- The number of people I know who are/ were preggo and due within a week of me! I feel like that's a little crazy! And two of them are in Indy and delivering at the same hospital as me! The rest I have been stalking on Facebook to see if they've had their baby yet... Two have so far. There's something so bonding about being pregnant at the same time as someone else.

6- I got nothing. Running out of creativity and energy.

5- Days ago, Andrew and I had our last date night for a long while. Thanks to sweet neighbors for watching Graham! We went to the Cheesecake Factory on our first date in Indy, the night I told Andrew I was preggo with Graham, and so it seemed fitting to celebrate little Owen's coming arrival there. Plus, we had a gift card. ;) Winning.

Beach ball belly!

4- The batches of Rice Krispie treats I've made in the last week. Yep. Granted several of these were to share with friends, but I definitely helped devour each batch.
Didn't even bother putting these in a pan and cutting them into bars. :/

3- How many cm I'm dilated right now. Actually 3.5... Pretty sure this was about when I arrived at the hospital with Graham, in the most pain of my life, begging for an epidural- stat!!! And here I am, walking around like everything's normal. So weird.
Mostly for my memories, I wanted the following written down somewhere... Sorry if it's TMI.
With Graham, at
37 weeks I was a 0.
38 weeks I was a 1.
And then I had him before my 39 week appointment.

With Owen, at
37 weeks I was a 2-2.5
38 weeks I was a 2.5
39 weeks I am a 3.5
Still waiting...
Finally re-did Graham's life verse
(Joshua 1:9 in the spirit of his name meaning, war-like)
and pretty happy with the result!

2- Number of times I've been in false labor in the last few days. Seriously so disappointing. I didn't have this at all with Graham, so I have been so confused about how my contractions can be so consistent and close together for hours and not turn into anything. Ugh. They were 5 minutes apart for about 6 hours on Sunday, but never intensified in pain or sped up, so my doctor said to wait... So we did, and they eventually faded out. Oh, and all those natural ways they say help encourage the baby to come out? All lies. We've tried it all... several times. Nothing.

1- How many times I've cried over ice cream. People, I am losing my mind! Or maybe pregnancy hormones are real after all. ;) Andrew and I got ice cream one night, and I'd eaten all of mine... So of course I started in on his. After a few bites, he protested, and I burst into tears. Yep. Not my finest moment.

We finally picked a life verse for Owen!
Joshua 23:10-11
His name means "young fighter"
and ultimately we want him to trust God fights for him,
and for him to fight to love God.

Owen, we promise it's way more fun out of the womb! ;) Come join our family!!!

Your big bro can't wait to show you all the fun splash pads in Indy!

Backyard play with neighbors is a staple summer activity.

You have the best dad EVER who can't wait to play with you!!

Graham can't wait to meet you, little one.
Neither can Mommy and Daddy!!!

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