Saturday, August 23, 2014

Owen at 1 month!

Weight: 10 lbs, 12.5 oz (75%) 
Height: 23.75" (98%) Is this seriously my child?! He's so big!!!
Clothing size: Newborn, but he's about to outgrow these. 
Diaper size: 1.

First Sunday at church-
wearing his Uncle David's onesie from when he was a baby!

Feeding: I'm pretty convinced nursing is the hardest part of the baby stage. It hurts, it's all-consuming, it's anxiety-producing, it's lonely, it's a full-time job, it's impossible to entertain or protect a toddler while doing it, etc, etc... But I know it's so worth it, so I do it. Judging by his growth, Owen is getting the hang of it, which I am incredibly thankful for. No weight scares so far. Praise Jesus. He eats every 2.5- 3 hours in the daytime now, and every 2.5- 4 hours at night. And he is packing on those ounces!! Grow baby grow!!

I'm kinda obsessed with his little dimples!!
Sleeping: He takes a lot of naps a day. I'm too tired to count how many, but basically we're loosely following BabyWise again... So he eats and stays awake for around an hour, then naps for around 1.5 hours, and then we repeat again and again throughout the day. He loves being swaddled to go to sleep, and doesn't mind the crib for the most part. But he LOVES being held to sleep. Sometimes I just can't resist holding him and staring at him... if Graham is asleep. ;) And he has a love/ hate relationship with the paci. 

Look at that sweet lil pumpkin!
Milestones: First bottle (Mommy's milk)... First bath... 

Likes: Being held. Snuggling. Eating. The Ergo. 

Dislikes: His carseat. Baths.

Adventures: Meeting lots of family and friends. Stroller walks. Library. Zoo. Church. 

Snuggles with Nonnie.

Meeting Grandpa Buckle & Great Grandma Buckle.

Meeting Memaw & Pepaw.

Graham likes to swing baby brother.

Family zoo trip.

What we couldn't live with out: My mom and all her help the first two weeks of Owen's life! She cooked, cleaned, took Graham on all kinds of adventures, did house projects, and a million other things. I literally don't think we would've made it without her. She's awesome.... Also the Meal Train set up by our church, plus other friends and neighbors dropping off food. I haven't cooked one dinner since Owen has been born, which has been an incredible relief since having a newborn is so demanding. And the meals people provided were so yummy! We are so thankful.... And the Ergo has been such a lifesaver to keep Owen close to me and happy while I take care of Graham, etc.
Cannot get enough of his snuggles!

Reading with Daddy.

Best part of parenting this age: I just stinkin love little Owen. It really is incredible how God makes us to instantly just love our kids. I love him because I love him because I love him... He's mine. I can't take my eyes off him sometimes. What a precious little boy. I literally can't imagine my life or days without him anymore. I LOVE having two boys, even on the really hard days. It's also pretty cool to see Andrew so excited about our family, and to see Graham as a big brother. 

Hardest part of parenting this age: Lack of sleep. Crazy hormones. Nursing. Learning to juggle two kiddos under two years old. Graham being sick for 5 days when Owen was a week old.

Presh. Love my boys.

His toes are pretty incredibly long.

Tummy time.

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