Friday, September 19, 2014

Owen at 2 months!

Weight: 13 lbs, 4.5 oz. (75%) He has stayed right on track with gaining weight so far. Sooooooo incredibly thankful for this big, healthy boy!!! 
Height: 24.5" (98%) 
Clothing size: 3 months.
Diaper size: 2 I think but we're back to cloth diapers!!

Feeding: He's eating every 2.5-3 hours still, and he goes about 5 hours at night. I started pumping for the last feeding of the day and giving him my milk in a bottle. This way I make sure he stays awake and gets enough ounces to get him through a longer stretch at night! ;)

Sleeping: He's still napping about 6 times a day. And he's going 5 hours at night! Graham was sleeping longer at this point, but 5 hours feels like a huge victory with Owen, so I'll take it! Mama is TIRED! We got rid of the swaddle a couple of weeks ago, and he did surprisingly well. Thought it would be a harder transition than it was.

Swaddle-less success!

That sweet face!!!

Milestones: Smiles and coos!!!

Likes: LOVES being held. You never have to wonder why he's crying. Not a mystery man. Start cuddling him and the tears stop immediately. Also, being talked to in a baby voice. His big, cheesy, gummy, precious grin lights up his whole face when I break out the baby talk.
Not enough room in Mama's lap!! Wouldn't have it any other way.

Grahammers LOOOOOVES his little brother!
Dislikes: Still the carseat. Tummy time.

Adventures: Playdates. Walks. MOPS. The canal downtown. Birthday parties. He sleeps through most of the fun right now. ;)

What we couldn't live with out: The Ergo. The double stroller. 

Best part of parenting this age: His smiles!!! I can't get enough. I act like a fool to get those precious grins.

Hardest part of parenting this age: Being exhausted almost all the time.
Recently started this book... It's so good for my heart-
makes me feel like my life with two littles is a piece of cake!!! Seriously. 

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