Saturday, November 29, 2014

G man at 2 years!

He blew the candle out!
Choo-choo! Graham is 2!
Pre-party reading with Daddy
Broadway babes turn 2.

I got this new format off a website and seems more suited for the toddler stage than my baby stats. :)

Age: 2 Years

Stats: 29 lbs, 4 oz. (50-75th %) and 35" (50-75th %)

Clothes: He's mostly in 2T stuff now, but still some 18 months. 

Favorite Foods: Cheese and any kind of berry. He could live on these things. We have been sneaking in all kinds of veggies through my Deceptively Delicious recipes, but to get him to eat veggies he can see, we usually have to let him have it with a "dip"... He LOVES any kind of dip and will stick any food into barbeque sauce, salsa, hummus, or yogurt. Totally grosses me out, but whatever it takes to get those veggies in him.

Words: His vocabulary is definitely increasing, but he still doesn't have a ton of words. He asks me, "What's that?" about 500 times a day, pointing to random objects around him. "Okay," "again," and "uh-oh" are also repeated a million times a day. Random words like "purple," "Bible," and "spice" crack me up because he says them so clearly. Random. So thankful he can say things like "milk" and "apple" now so I at least know when he's hungry or thirsty.

Activities: Music class. MOPS. Grocery shopping. Children's Museum. Zoo. Playdates.

Favorite Things: BUCKETS. (Pushing them, dumping them, loading things in them, pushing them again... ) Playing/ walking outside. Anything musical- singing songs, musical toys, etc. Chasing/ tickling. He LOVES his teddy bear. Owen. (Melt my heart.) Favorite books are Little Blue Truck, Stinky Face, Snuggle Puppy, Ten Little Fish, and a Big Brother/ Little Brother book. Presh.

Signature Moves: Pushing buckets around. "Okay." Taking a bit of time to warm up to new people/ places. Showing off his dimples.

Mom's Proudest Moment: Connecting/ playing/ giggling with his cousins.

Dad's Proudest Moment: When he climbed out of his crib the day before he turned 2. (Gave Mama a heart attack.)

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