Friday, December 19, 2014

Owen at 5 months

Weight: First month I don't know his weight! Won't find out til 6 months.

Height: Ditto.

Clothing size: 6 months. Pulled out some 9 month pj's.

Diaper size: Cloth.

Little blonde fuzz is growing!
Feeding: Nursing every 3 hours. Rough schedule- 7am, 10am, 1pm, 4pm, 7pm, 10pm.

Sleeping: Same- sleeping through the night and napping 5 times a day.
Holding hands during diaper changing. 

Milestones: He's rolling from back to belly now, but not belly to back- which is supposed to be easier. Ha. He just hates tummy time so much. He grabs at everything. He laughs all the time. He blows bubbles and drools like crazy so I'm wondering if a tooth is coming soon. :/

Likes:  Still wants to be held all the time. The only way I can put him down is if Graham or I are still giving him attention. He is such a people person... or maybe just spoiled rotten. :) He loves sucking on his fingers/ thumb. He loves watching Graham do anything, and thinks everything he does is hilarious.

Graham likes to give moral support during tummy time-
which sometimes turns into wrestling time.
Dislikes: Tummy time. The carseat. His paci. Not being held.

Adventures: Baptism. First road trip. Thanksgiving. Christmas parade and festival. Music class. Children's museum. 
Owen was baptized in the same onesie that
his father and brother were baptized in.
Love this.
Owen's baptsim

Christmas parade

What we couldn't live with out: The Ergo. Only way I can get stuff done.

Best part of parenting this age: Some days I crumble, but most days I just want to bottle up their little precious-ness at this age. I really do love it.

Hardest part of parenting this age: Just the neediness of two littles and demands of my body, time, energy, etc. 
The crazy comes out in all of us around 4pm...
Counting down the minutes til Daddy gets home!!

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