Saturday, January 17, 2015

O baby at 6 months!

Weight: We'll find out this week at his checkup.

Height: Ditto.

Clothing size: 9 months. This kid. Seriously can't believe it.

Diaper size: Cloth.

Warming up to his bouncer. 

Feeding: Still nursing every 3 hours. Rough schedule- 7am, 10am, 1pm, 4pm, 7pm, 10pm.

Sleeping: Still sleeping through the night and now napping 4 times a day. Sometimes flips to his tummy to sleep now.

Milestones: He rolls both ways now. He got his first 2 teeth! First taste of solid foods- butternut squash. Not a fan. First time in church nursery. 

Sweet Max and Owen, born exactly a month apart,
hanging out in the nursery together. :)

Likes:  Being held. Big brother entertaining him. Playing with his feet. Chewing on his fingers. Seeing himself in the mirror.

Dislikes: Not being held. 

Adventures: Christmas & first road trip to Tennessee. Meeting lots of new little baby friends. (Wish I had taken more pic's of sweet babies Calvin, Bennett, Norah, Nora, Jesse, Claire... And I"m probably forgetting some! Babies all around.)

Christmas morning.

Cousin time!

What we couldn't live with out: The Ergo. 

Best part of parenting this age: I think these are my favorite ages of the boys so far. They are SO.MUCH.FUN. Love all the giggles and excitement about everything.

Hardest part of parenting this age: Same- Just the neediness of two littles and demands of my body, time, energy, etc. 

G on the left and O on the right, both at 6 months.

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