Wednesday, February 18, 2015

O baby at 7 months

Weight: Not sure... He was still around 18 lbs when we took him to the doctor a couple weeks ago.

Height: No idea.

Clothing size: 9 months. But some of his pj's are getting snug, so he'll probably be in 12 months soon. Eek.

Diaper size: Cloth.

Feeding: Nursing every 3-3.5 hours (6 times/day still). Trying to figure out a new schedule right now. Roughly eating at 7.15, 10.45, 2, 5, 7, 10. HATES solids. Clenches his mouth shut when the spoon comes out. :/

Sleeping: Napping 3x/ day. (Dropped a nap a month ago, but still trying to figure out the best new schedule for him. Hard to figure out what he needs, what my body needs to keep up milk supply, and how to coordinate his afternoon nap with Graham's! Lots of factors to line up.)

Milestones: Surviving two weeks of family sickness. :/ Graham had croup/ ear infection/ puking for a few days, then passed on his germs to Owen, and then to Andrew. Praise Jesus I stayed well enough to take care of everyone. Come on, spring!! Still sitting for a few seconds, but not great at it since he likes to be held ALL THE TIME.

Lots of snuggles during February sickliness.

Breathing in bathroom steam to fight off croup.

Likes: Graham. They are so stinkin fun with each other. I LOVE IT.

Dislikes: Not being held. Solid foods. Carseat.
What he looks like anytime he's not in someone's arms. :/

Finally found somewhere he likes tummy time: my lap. 

Adventures: First Valentine's Day. Becoming a 2 car family!
Happy V-Day from the Buckle boys!

Andrew's new ride. So thankful for the convenience of 2 vehicles again!

What we couldn't live with out: The Ergo. Do I say this every time? It's just so true. Also, the Nose Frida this month. Totally grossed me out at first, but man it works to get baby/ toddler snot out!

Best part of parenting this age: I really am loving life right now with these two sweet things. It makes me want to have a bunch more kids. (Andrew looks at me like I'm crazy because our life is pretty much chaos.)
Our sweet neighbor Jonathan entertaining Owen.

They love each other.

Hardest part of parenting this age: I think I've said this before, but adding anything extra to our normal routine is pretty tough.

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