Friday, November 13, 2015

Here comes Baby #3!!!!!

We are beyond ecstatic that Baby #3 is coming around April 6!!!!

We could have found out a bit earlier, but we took the test on my birthday, and then told family/ friends on Andrew's birthday... So the timing was pretty fun on this one. Sweetest birthday gift ever was finding out about this little one!!!

We've always said we wanted three kiddos (although lately I think I want four!), so it's really sweet to be able to see God answering those prayers.

13 weeks with baby #3!
Photobombed by Baby #2!

Thoughts on this pregnancy...
1. First trimester is no joke, especially with two toddlers. Nausea and extreme exhaustion consumed my every day and night. So not fun. With the other two, it felt like more constant nausea, but with this one it always gradually increased throughout the day. So I would actually wake up feeling fine every day, but as the day went on, I felt worse and worse. By dinner, I was trying not to puke in whatever food I was cooking. And by bedtime, I had a miserable time falling asleep- because even though I was soooooooo tired, I felt so sick to my stomach, I couldn't sleep. Ugh. So, so thankful that's all over. And I took a nap almost for the first 17 weeks. Could NOT make it throughout the day without one.

2. We're considering not finding out the gender on this one. We found out with both boys, and LOVED knowing, but since this is the third time around, we kinda want it to feel different and special in this way. I keep going back and forth, but I'm leaning towards not. I may regret this decision. Next week is the ultrasound at my doctor, and she doesn't keep it in the file. So it's a "now or never" type scenario. Eek.

3. When I was preggo with Owen, Graham was so little, he had ZERO idea what was happening. He couldn't say baby, he didn't even notice my belly getting so big, nothing. Owen is the same way this time, but it is SO, SO fun to share this pregnancy with Graham!!! He has recently started acknowledging babies around us (he NEVER cared before), he will give kisses to my belly, he prays for the "baby in mommy's belly," and he goes back and forth predicting a little brother or little sister. It is seriously such a joy for me to share it with him. PRESH.

4. Ain't nobody got time for documentation. I can't for the life of me keep up with LIFE, much less take weekly bump pictures or blog about what's happening. I LOVE reading back on these, so I'm going to try to do more now that I have a little energy.
Big purchase for our new family of 5!

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