Sunday, December 6, 2015

20 weeks with Baby #3!

Halfway baby!!
Always love this milestone!!

How far along?  20 weeks. How, oh how am I already halfway done with this pregnancy?! CRAZY. (Okay, I'm actually almost 23 weeks now, but you know how it goes...)

Total weight gain? 10ish lbs.

Maternity clothes? Oh yeah. I was in maternity jeans at 12 weeks. Maternity shirts are mostly still too big, but I'm loving my maternity jeans and leggings. Third time around, I'm totally embracing it. We were on a super tight budget when I was preggo for the first time, so I just got a few pieces from yard sales, and made it work. This time around, I got some super cute pieces from friends/ neighbors, which makes me really happy.

Sleep? The first four months, I did not sleep well. I felt so nauseous going to bed every.single.night, and then I would have to get up to pee several times throughout the night. Finally sleeping well now.

Best moment this week? The ultrasound! We decided not to find out gender this time around, so I didn't know if it would be torturous staring at the screen, but not finding out... But it was so magical, as always!! I don't know how else to describe it. It always brings me to tears to see a sweet little miracle alive inside me. And so reassuring that everything looks good-- baby looks healthy and perfect size. The 20 week ultrasound is so long and detailed and thorough, it's always nerve-wracking to see the heart and brain and everything, without really knowing what you're looking for. Praising Jesus for a healthy baby so far. I love Baby3 so much already!!!

Miss anything? I was majorly missing energy the first 17 weeks, but I'm feeling good now... I always want strawberry margaritas for some reason when I'm preggo. So yeah, I miss those.

Movement? Yes! I felt this one super early, like at 13 weeks or so, which seemed crazy. But it was never very consistent, so I always doubted it. Now little peanut is getting more consistent, and I looooooove it. Always my favorite part of pregnancy! Andrew felt it for the first time last night too!

Food cravings? All the unhealthy stuff. Let's be honest. Could care less about pineapple (which was my biggest craving with the other two, especially Graham). Ate tons of mac 'n cheese during the first trimester, because everything made me wanna puke. :( 

Anything making you queasy or sick? Not anymore. Whew.

Have you started to show yet? Oh yeah! No hiding it. Someone asked me at 10 weeks (before we told people) if I was preggo, because they could see a bump already!

Labor signs? Nope.

Symptoms: Bellllllllly.

Belly button in or out? In, but it's being weird already. It's been popped out so much with the other two, I think it's almost ready to go again. :/

Wedding ring on or off? On.

Happy or moody most of the time? Happy now that I'm feeling better! I do think I was super sensitive the first trimester, which of course made me really fun to be married to. ;) Andrew's glad my hormones seem to be leveling out now. :)

Name possibilities? Well, if you know anything about us, naming babies ranks right up there with root canals or whatever other torturous activity you cant think of. Andrew has an extremely short list of boy names he'll even consider-- two, to be exact, and we've already used them as both the boys' middle names. So, he's got nothing to offer this time around... But won't agree to my favorite either, so we'll see what happens with the boy name. As for a girl name, we've actually been in agreement on this one since Owen's pregnancy, but I'm not sure if we're ready to reveal it yet here. Stay tuned.

Looking forward to? Deciding names. Andrew building bunk beds for the boys to share a room soon. Seeing if it's a boy or girl!!!!!!! (A long time to go for that one!)

Buckle boys ready for another baby!!!

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