Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Owen at 18 months!

Little doll baby. XOXO
Weight: We haven't had his 18 month checkup yet, so we'll find out soon.

Height: Ditto.

Clothing size: 18 months. 

Diaper size: Cloth, but 4.

Feeding: This kid can EAT. He seriously puts it away. He likes anything off Mommy/ Daddy's plate the best. His favorites are probably anything with bread- grilled cheese, muffins, banana bread, etc. He's not too picky yet, but I know that might change soon. :/ He also loves his milk, and usually downs 2 sippy cups worth before lunch. 

First time to jump on the trampoline on his own!
Totally fascinated by the Christmas tree.
Sleeping: Takes one nap (dropped the morning nap around 14 months I think??), usually 2.5ish hours. Sleeps at night around 7pm-7am.

Milestones: Communicating more! He says a few words, but also signs some, points, grunts, screams, whatever it takes to get his point across. He crawls up the stairs now! He never crawled, so this is big! He started walking around 14-15 months.

Proof that he did have some curls at one point...
But it's looking like it's going to be straight.

Likes: Exploring. Destroying. Throwing. #allboy ... Hahaha. But seriously, he is. His favorite book is absolutely "Brown Bear, Brown Bear." We read it about 10 times/ day. He also loves "I Love You Through and Through" and  anything by Sandra Boynton... and any books that are songs (Itsy Bitsy Spider, Jesus Loves Me, etc.). He's super picky about books, screaming after one sentence and slamming it shut if he doesn't like it, and begging you to read it over and over if he does. He likes having any toy in his hand-- blocks, tools, gears, cars, etc. He's really into things with lids- taking them off and putting them on again and again. He loves being outside, even though we haven't been able to as much lately. He adores GRAHAM. Loves being tickled, thrown up in the air, turned upside down, wrestled, etc. Giggles and begs for more every time. He still loves being held as much as possible. Kid loves his mama. Presh.

Dislikes: Being told no. He seriously CRIES every.single.time I tell him no. His pouty lip comes out, and he just loses it. Cannot handle it. Not sure is he's sensitive or stubborn, but he is my child- so probably both. ;) He was licking the wall at my in-laws' house over Christmas, and I told him in a sweet voice, "No no, Owen, don't lick the wall." And he started wailing. The whole room turned to look at me. Hahahaha... Teething. It's rough, man. Traveling. He screams for hourssssssssssssssssss in the car. Not being held. 

Every.single.night when I'm cooking dinner
... and many more times throughout the day when I can't hold him.
My little koala bear still thinks he's attached to me.

Adventures: First time playing in the snow! He was really curious. Music class, MOPS, Children's Museum. Parks.

What we couldn't live with out: Double stroller. I usually say Ergo on this question, but my belly's too big for it now. :(

My favorite part of parenting this age: Seeing them coming into their little personality- communicating preferences, interacting more, etc. 

The hardest part of parenting this age: Teething. Clingy-ness. Traveling. Not understanding all they try to communicate. 

Oh little Obaby, you are so, so loved. Alllllllllllll the heart eyes.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

28 weeks with Baby#3

How far along?  28 weeks. Hello third trimester!! What?!!! Crazy how fast this pregnancy is going! Not surprising since chasing the boys all day every day keeps me more than occupied.

Total weight gain? 20ish pounds. 

Maternity clothes? I've been living in my maternity leggings and mostly comfy maternity shirts. My fav is a fitted gray Gap maternity sweatshirt that makes an appearance several times a week. ;) I also got a few Target long fitted non-maternity shirts that have helped with the in-between months where maternity shirts just make me feel frumpy. (Pictured above in red.) Not feeling so cute these days, like I'll just keep getting bigger and bigger the rest of my life. I told andrew maybe I need to start doing my makeup or get some highlights or something. ;)

It's crazy how few pic's I have of this bump. I need to do better documenting.
Here's a pic of us on the carousel, with baby3 showing off!

Sleep? I just don't sleep well pregnant. With past pregnancies, it was restless legs or heartburn or backache ... Haven't had any of that yet this time around; lately it's getting up to pee a million times. Seriously last night I think it was 6 times! Ughhhhhhh. This girl needs some serious rest. I think the holidays and traveling was really stressful too, so I felt sleep-deprived and exhausted for like a month. Feeling much better now that we're back at home and in our normal routine.

Best moment this week (month)?
have my checkup tomorrow, so hopefully I'll hear good news on the baby's growth and my diabetes test. Eek. Also, Andrew has been working on the boys' bunk beds and a growth chart for the kiddos. I can't wait til both are done. We have a 3 bedroom house, so the boys will move in together about a month before my due date, and the baby will have its own room. 

Miss anything? Fitting into clothes. Feeling normal in my own body.

Movement? Yes! Sweet thing is moving a lot now, especially noticeable when I lay down at night and when I eat anything sweet. I've been feeling hiccups lately too!!! Which is always encouraging to be able to tell that baby is head down- at least for now.

Food cravings? Nothing really stands out this time around. BORING. 

Anything making you queasy or sick? Not anymore. Whew.

Have you started to show yet? Absolutely. I feel like I'm carrying this one like my other two- low down in my belly. Another boy?!!! Also, strangers started making comments around week 24, so that's when you really know you're showing! My belly button gives it away. :/

Picking out bunk bed mattresses for when they share a room!

Labor signs? I've started having Braxton-Hicks consistently... Mostly after going up and down our stairs, but other times too.

Symptoms: Bellllllllly. I think tomorrow my doctor will check my iron levels too, which is when I was put on iron supplements for both my other pregnancies. I remember getting the phone call with Owen's, and the nurse asking me, "Ummm, have you been really, really tired lately?? Because your iron is extremely low!!" I've been eating more spinach smoothies this time, so I'm hoping that will help. I haven't felt that complete exhaustion that I did with Owen at this time, so I'm thinking they're at least not as bad this time.

Belly button in or out? It's popping out. It'll never be the same again. Haha

Wedding ring on or off? On.

Happy or moody most of the time? I think I've been more moody with this one than the others. Maybe it's the hormones? Or the fact that Andrew's super busy with his PHD thing, which makes me even more busy with the boys??

Name possibilities? To be honest, we haven't even talked that much about names. There's just I have a short list of names I like, but Andrew has not been a big fan yet. My top girl and boy name are both leftovers from past pregnancies, but I LOVE them, so I really hope I get to use them. ;)

Looking forward to? Same- Deciding names. Andrew building bunk beds for the boys to share a room soon. Seeing if it's a boy or girl!!!!!!! (A long time to go for that one!)

Pregnancies 1, 2, and 3 all at 28 weeks.
Am I carrying a boy or girl this time??
Looks like another Owen to me-- low and big!! ;)

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Thanksgiving/ Christmas 2015

We headed to TN for my family's Thanksgiving, had Christmas Day here to ourselves in Indy, and then headed to IL for Andrew's family for Christmas celebrations. Traveling with littles is absolutely my least favorite part of parenting. The five million things essential to pack, the unending screaming in the car, the track record of one of them being sick every.single.trip.we've.ever.done, the sleep deprivation, the different food, the time change that throws them even more off schedule, I could go on and on. It's just stressful. But we are so thankful for family that showers our boys with love. The memories help make it all worth it.

Working on gingerbread houses at Nonnie's. 

Cousin love.
Buckle boys go flannel.

Cookies for our awesome neighbors!

Happy Birthday Jesus party with friends.

Terrified of the "real" Santa, but mesmerized by Santa Cow at Chick-Fil-A. :)

Not going to lie- I LOVE when they're matchy-matchy.

Graham's much anticipated cinnamon cupcakes for Jesus's birthday breakfast. 

Checkin out their new toys.

Christmas day hike because it was so crazy warm!!!

Bring it on 2016! Ready for the year we become a family of 5!!