Saturday, January 9, 2016

Thanksgiving/ Christmas 2015

We headed to TN for my family's Thanksgiving, had Christmas Day here to ourselves in Indy, and then headed to IL for Andrew's family for Christmas celebrations. Traveling with littles is absolutely my least favorite part of parenting. The five million things essential to pack, the unending screaming in the car, the track record of one of them being sick every.single.trip.we've.ever.done, the sleep deprivation, the different food, the time change that throws them even more off schedule, I could go on and on. It's just stressful. But we are so thankful for family that showers our boys with love. The memories help make it all worth it.

Working on gingerbread houses at Nonnie's. 

Cousin love.
Buckle boys go flannel.

Cookies for our awesome neighbors!

Happy Birthday Jesus party with friends.

Terrified of the "real" Santa, but mesmerized by Santa Cow at Chick-Fil-A. :)

Not going to lie- I LOVE when they're matchy-matchy.

Graham's much anticipated cinnamon cupcakes for Jesus's birthday breakfast. 

Checkin out their new toys.

Christmas day hike because it was so crazy warm!!!

Bring it on 2016! Ready for the year we become a family of 5!! 

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