Friday, February 19, 2016

32 weeks with #3!

How far along?  32 weeks! Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! 

Maternity clothes? All day every day. Still loving my yoga pants too. Best shower gift ever from my sis in law on my first pregnancy! They're not maternity, but they've been heavenly each pregnancy!! 

Sleep? Sleep is just always elusive during pregnancy for me. Still getting up to pee several times, and just lots of tossing and turning with this growing belly.... plus some heartburn/ indigestion the past few weeks that makes trying to sleep absolutely miserable. It started when I had major congestion, so I'm curious to see if it'll go away when that clears up. Plus, the boys and I were sick for almost 2 weeks, so all 3 of us were up all night every night for a while, with congestion and coughing. :( And we transitioned Graham to his bunk beds, which hasn't gone so well. He's been waking up a lot, I guess because it feels so unfamiliar. :( Bottom line- I'm exhausted.

Best moment this week (month)? Starting to get some stuff done! Bunk beds complete! In the process of cleaning out Graham's closet to make room for Owen moving in soon. Gathering a few items for a girl or boy's nursery has been super fun. I'm saving the receipts. ;) If it's a girl, my favorite piece in her room will be this (pictured below). My aunt stitched it when I was born, and it hung in my room my whole life. Also, just sharing this pregnancy with Graham. He's precious and has been paying close attention to what my OB does in each appointment. He loves to take my blood pressure, listen to the baby's heartbeat, and measure my belly. He really loves that he, Daddy, and Dr Gallagher all use tape measurers. :) Owen is of course oblivious to what's happening. ;)

Miss anything? Feeling comfortable, ever. Fitting into clothes well. Hugging Andrew tight. Sleep.

Movement? I can tell sweet thing is getting bigger and stronger!!!

Food cravings? Same- Nothing really stands out this time around. BORING. But way too many chocolates and sweets over Valentine's! Oopsie. 

Exactly, Dove. Exactly.
Dr appointment: My blood sugar did come back LOW on my diabetes test, so I have been trying to eat more often, and more protein. I've had issues with hypoglycemia in the past, just never in pregnancy. The doctor assured me that it is not affecting the baby at all, but it can make me feel miserable if I don't watch it carefully. I'm taking iron supplements too--third time for this! I also measured 30 weeks (instead of 32) at my appointment, which is surprising because this bump is taking over!!! The doctor didn't seem concerned at all.

Anything making you queasy or sick? Not anymore. Whew.

Have you started to show yet? Oh yeah.

32 week checkup with my crew!!

Labor signs? Just Braxton hicks occasionally. 

Symptoms: Belly. Heartburn. Pretty worn out. Emotional. 

Belly button in or out? It's popping out. It'll never be the same again. Haha

Wedding ring on or off? On.

Happy or moody most of the time? Moody. Pregnancy hormones? Winter blues? Hard to tell.

Name possibilities? Andrew's started googling, so we've had a few discussions. Sure hope this poor kid has a name before we leave the hospital. ;)

Looking forward to? Lately I've been dyyyyyyying to know gender!!! I can't wait to find out who this little person is joining our family!!! Baby 3, you are so, so loved and MUCH anticipated!!!! 

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