Thursday, March 10, 2016

Thoughts from the Baby Daddy on #3

Andrew wanted to do a funny pic to announce this pregnancy,
but don't be fooled- he is beyond excited!

(Jaye) What's been the best part of this pregnancy?
(Andrew) Not being anxious. The surprise gender- not knowing what to expect, but you know it will be good.

What's been the worst part of this pregnancy?
Jaye's been a little more hormonal/ emotional in this one than the others.

How has this pregnancy felt different, not knowing the gender?
There's a different kind of excitement that comes with this one. You get to play out lots of scenarios in your head of what it'll be like.

What are some of your favorite memories over the last 9 months?
Telling Graham and Owen that another baby is coming. Watching the boys transition to sharing a room. Seeing Owen point to his belly when we ask him where the baby is. Graham listening for the baby's heartbeat on Jaye's belly. Praying for our next baby with our current babies. 

What's been the most surprising thing about this pregnancy?
How quickly it's gone. I feel like we just found out Jaye was pregnant, and now the baby can come anytime! There's a lot of freedom that comes in not being anxious. I'm just excited.

Andrew reading to babies #1 and #3.

Are you nervous about labor this time?
No. I feel like Jaye knows what to expect, I feel like I kinda know what to expect. I hope I get to be here to see all of it, like for Owen's labor. 
(I started laboring with Owen at night, and it was super fast, so Andrew got to see the whole process. He only was there for the end of Graham's. ;)) 
The anticipation was like opening a present.

What do you think it will be like during the delivery of a surprise gender??
A lot of anticipation and just excitement. There will be no disappointment for a boy or a girl. If it's a girl, there will be tea parties, and that will be fun. If it's another boy, it will be fun to see what he's like, since G and O are so different.

What are you nervous about being a dad of 3 kids?
Losing my hair. General exhaustion that comes with managing a household with that many people in it, as an introvert.
I give them carrots, and they refuse to eat them.
Carrots off Daddy's plate= magical.

What are you most excited about being a dad of 3 kids?
Being proud. I'm excited to be a dad again. it's a blessing, and to get to do it 3 times is amazing. I just think- JOY.

What kind of dad will you be to 3 kids?
A little on the crazy side. Don't you have to be, to have 3 kids? ;)

What has Jaye missed the most during this pregnancy?
Strawberry margaritas. Being able to run.

What has Jaye most needed to hear in this pregnancy?
That she's beautiful and justified in taking a nap at any point in the day.

Is Jaye the stereotypical preggo woman this time around?
No big cravings this time. Jaye has felt more crazy this time around, but I remind her that she's just pregnant.

Has Jaye had any crazy preggo hormone moments this time?
I can't remember them now, but there were moments when I was just wondering- what just happened? And then I remind myself she's pregnant, and this probably won't matter in 12 hours, and it usually didn't.

How did you feel when Jaye told you she was preggo?
We found out together. Just excitement. It's what I'd hoped for. Answered prayer.

How did you feel when you first felt #3 kick?
This is really happening! We will actually be outnumbered. Excitement. Joy.

What baby chores will you help with? 
Diaper changes. Laundry. Just holding a baby--or child who is wanting affection.

What baby chores will you dread?
Tar poop. 

How do you think life will change once we have another baby?
I may start drinking coffee. I understand now why parents do. The effects of drinking coffee becoming exponentially more appealing with each child I have.

What do you think #3 will look like?
Girl- she'll look like Jaye. Boy- he'll look like Graham.

What do you hope little #3 is like in general?
Caring. Loving. Kind. Forgiving. Definitely will need to be forgiving. Strong.

What are you most looking forward to once #3 is born?
Holding a little baby again. I didn't appreciate how quickly that time passes with the first two, but with the third, I know I won't get these opportunities for very long.

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