Sunday, April 24, 2016

Boys Meet Baby Audrey

Apparently flu season in Indiana was really late this year, so the hospital had restrictions on visitors - basically no one under the age of 18 was allowed. I was so bummed the boys weren't able to come meet baby Audrey right after she was born. It was also the longest I've ever been away from them, so I missed them and just wanted to be around them in general. But I knew they were well taken care of by Nonnie.

We ended up coming home a little early, and I had super low expectations of how the first meet would go. I figured the boys would just want our attention since we'd be gone so long, and that they would pretty much ignore Audrey. They are only 3 years and 20 months after all, and boys who could care less about baby dolls or most real babies in fact. But it actually ended up being one of THE  sweetest moments of my life. Both boys were waiting at the door for us, and as soon as we opened it, Graham began begging, "Want to hold him! Want to hold him! Want to hold him!" (He thinks everyone is a "he." Haha) We took some quick pic's on the porch, and then granted Graham's request, heading straight for the couch to let Graham hold his new little sister. The expressions on his face of wonder, excitement, scrutiny, joy will forever be tattooed in my brain. He stroked her face, examined her fingers and toes, gave her kisses, and oohed and ahhhed over her for a looooooooong time. I wanted to bottle the moments up and keep them forever. He has been predicting a little sister for 9 months, and he now says over and over, "Graham has a brother AND a sister! Graham has two babies!!"

Owen was the biggest surprise-I say he looks at her like a unicorn, this funny, mesmerizing little creature he can't quite figure out. Since the first moment, he points and squeals "Eeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!" in a really high-pitched tone over and over. It's pretty hilarious. They both love to give her kisses on kisses on kisses, and it's like a celebrity enters the room every time they see her. So completely precious. Sibling love is the best.

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