Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Audrey at 1 month

Weight: 9 lbs, 14 oz

Height: I can't remember- will check soon.

I had a few things for a girl nursery, just in case.
And then friends and family filled in with some adorable additions, too.

Clothing size: She is still in Newborn, but just barely. ;) And I gotta say, I'm LOVING baby girl clothes. Bring on the bows!!

Thanks Aunt Al- this is one of my favorite dresses!!!

Diaper size: We do disposable the first month, and she's still in Newborn, but again- just barely! 

Feeding: She has GULPED her milk very quickly since day one. It makes me nervous because she usually doesn't eat that long, but I can tell she's getting a decent amount, so hopefully she's just really efficient. She nurses every 2-3 hours in the day, and every 1.5-4 hours at night. She took her first bottle no problem the night before she turned 1 month! Our sweet neighbors let us borrow a baby scale, so I weigh her once/ week at home, so I don't go too crazy. It's been somewhat reassuring, but the pediatrician said she would've liked her to have gained a little more weight her first month, but that she looks wonderful and healthy overall. I am forever haunted after Graham not gaining weight as a baby, so I'm trying not to freak out. 

First bottle. Success!!

Sleeping: Girl still loves to sleep all day and party all night. Mama needs a nap. Bad. We're nowhere near on a schedule yet, but are following the basic eat-wake-sleep cycle for the past week or so. She roughly stays awake for about an hour (including eating), then naps for 1.5ish hours. She gets her last feeding around 10pm when I go to bed, and then is up again usually around 3 more times to eat. Girl just wants to be held all.night.long. She has mostly rough nights, but there have been a few that have shown me there is hope for progress! She naps about 5 times a day ish?? She loves her Woombie and paci to sleep, and we kicked her out of our room at 2 weeks, so she's had to adjust to the crib quickly.

Milestones: Being born. ;)

Likes: Being held. Mama's milk. The Ergo. Her paci. 

Big brothers can't get enough of their baby sister.
She's covered in kisses and adoring gazes every day. 

Dislikes: Not being held. Her car seat. Baths. Tummy time. The hours from about 7pm-4am. Eek.

Adventures: Neighborhood walks. Music class. Church. Play dates. MOPS. Grocery trips.
First time to church.

What we couldn't live with out: My mom the first two weeks. Ergo. Double stroller. Meal train- this is such an unbelievable blessing from friends at church. Disposable diapers. Paper plates. (We do disposable diapers and paper plates the first month as we adjust to a new baby, and this is the biggest lifesaver!!!!!)
My mom with her mom's namesake, little Audrey.

Best part of parenting this age: All the sweet, sweet snuggles. And I still say to Andrew every day, "Can you believe we have a daughter?! That it was a girl that whole time in my belly?!" After being a boy mom for 3 years and only knowing that, I am still in shock most days that I have a girl!!!! And I absolutely LOVE it!!!! 

Hardest part of parenting this age: SLEEP DEPRIVATION. For sure. I think I usually say nursing is the hardest part the first month, but she's definitely my best nurser and worst sleeper of the three. I think going from 1 to 2 kids was harder for me than 2 to 3, probably since I've become more laid back the more kids I have. They are all 20 months apart, so having 3 littles so close together is challenging since everyone has NEEDS they must have met ALL the time, but I seriously LOVE my three littles and can't imagine it any other way. They are the sweetest gift from Jesus, and I am forever thankful that I get to be their Mama.

Some nights I just give up and put her on me, so we can both get a little rest.
Grace upon grace upon grace, even at 2am. :)

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