Sunday, July 10, 2016

Audrey Katherine at 3 months

Weight: No doctor's appointment this month, but I'll weigh her on my neighbor's scale soon just to make sure she's doing okay!

Height: ??

Clothing size: 3 months, but her onesies are getting tight! She's a long baby!!

Diaper size: Size 1. We are somehow still in disposable!! Family and friends were incredibly generous to give us so many diapers to get through the newborn days, and they have lasted much longer than we thought!! I was so terrified of having 3 in cloth, but I only have one right now (Owen)! Graham is now potty trained (!!!!!) and Audrey's still in disposables, so it hasn't been bad at all! 

Feeding: She is nursing about every 3 hours during the day, and getting up usually twice/ night. (We kinda got off track with night feedings while my Mom was here for two weeks, and Audrey and I shared a room. Every time she made a noise, I just fed her to get her back to sleep. Trying to get back to once/ night.)  Some of the biggest differences between her and the boys are the fact that she has been almost painless since the beginning (both boys hurt me incredibly badly and I had to wear a nipple shield with them both for months), she sometimes only nurses on one side and she's way faster no matter what, and she barely spits up (Graham especially had MASSIVE spit up). She's the only one who seems like she knows what she's doing. (The boys always seemed clueless, and so was I.) All of this feels like God's grace to me in the third child. Nursing had been incredibly hard, painful, consuming, frustrating, confusing, and heartbreaking in the past. I did it, but I hated it. I think this babe is going to help redeem all of that. Crazy how different my experiences have been.
Post-nursing snuggles with that sweet, pudgy belly. :)
Sleeping: Pretty much the same as last month. She naps for about 1.5 hours ish each 3 hour cycle throughout the day, and then I put her down for the night around 8pm, give her a dream feed when I go to bed around 10, and then she usually gets up twice (ish) to eat, and then again around 6/7am when we start the day. Finallllllllllllly getting more on a schedule throughout the day. (Feedings usually around 6:30a, 9:30a, 12:30p, 3:30p, 6:30p, 9:30p, and then whenever she wakes up at night. She stays up for about 1 hour after the feeding, and then naps til the next feeding ish.)

Milestones: Smiling and cooing more and more. Much more alert. Much stronger head control.

Likes: Same as the last two months-- Being held. Mama's milk. The Ergo. Her paci... Also, being swaddled. 

My favorite pic this month. :)
Dislikes: Mostly still the same as the last two months-- Not being held. Her car seat. Baths. Tummy time. 

Adventures: First 4th of July (cookout with friends)! Surviving 3 weeks without Daddy (working on his PHD). Enjoying 2 weeks with Nonnie. First "beach" trip (really a lake ;). 

Sweet little firecracker.
I mean, come on. PRESH.
Nonnie is the BEST!
Daddy's HOME!!!
Audrey getting snuggles and Graham talking his ear off on everything he missed. ;)
Beach babe.
What we couldn't live with out: Although I wouldn't call this an "essential," one thing we've used a ton this month is the Bumbo. She's finally old enough to sit in it, and it is super helpful in keeping the boys from trampling on her and in taking places like the beach! 
Doesn't she look so much older in this thing?!
The Bumbo adds five months to ya. ;)
Best part of parenting this age: The newborn stage is incredibly sweet, but it feels so good to get out of the "fourth trimester"!!! She is doing so much better sleeping on her own, she responds to us with smiles and coos, she just seems "sturdier," and she is also just coming into her own little person. When I pray and thank God for her, I still just cry over His goodness to us in the sweet gift of her life. We adore you, Audrey girl.

Hardest part of parenting this age: Probably the fact that it feels like at least one of them is screaming at me alllllllllllll day long. So worth it, but so hard sometimes. #3kiddos3andunder
#life :)

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