Sunday, July 17, 2016

Owen at 2 years!!

Birthday balloons in bed is our favorite tradition!
When I asked him his favorite part of his birthday, he said "cupcake!" ;)
He's obsessed with his birthday "mow-mow"

Sweet Obaby, you made your fast and furious entrance into this world two years ago, and our family has never been the same. Your fierce love and determined spirit have marked your two years of life, and we see the "young fighter" (your name's meaning) coming out daily. We pray this will be channeled to be a great warrior for God's kingdom. You were made to work hard and love large, little one. We are incredibly thankful to be your parents, and delight in the little boy you're becoming. You are cherished, Owen John.

Age: 2 years

Stats: Will find out soon at Dr appointment

Clothes: 18 months still

Keepin' it real- this is his signature look!!

Favorite Foods: Kid can eat!!! His fave is probably anything with bread (grilled cheese, banana bread, pumpkin muffins, etc.). He also LOVES yogurt, and as soon as he finishes his last bite, he immediately starts screaming, "yeah!!!!!! Yeah!!!!!" for another serving, in anticipation of me asking if he wants more. Haha. Every.time.

Words: He has really taken off in the last few months. He repeats so much of what we say, and has started putting lots of two-word phrases together, like "daddy mow," "mama book," "bite please," "balloon pop," etc. He still calls Audrey "baby" and doesn't have a word yet for Graham. Whenever Audrey starts to cry, he immediately starts chanting "paci! Paci! Paci!" He has one volume- LOUD. All the time. 

- Music class
- Grocery shopping
- Church
- Children's museum
-Splash pad
- Parks
- Playdates

Favorite friends: Really, these are kiddos his age that we have playdates with. Because let's be honest, they barely acknowledge each other right now. So, future friends- Lewis, Chet, Jack, Liam, Lexi, Bennett, Max.

Favorite Things: Holding random small objects that he can't live without, for like three days, until he moves onto the next object... Could be a play-do container, a rubber duck, a certain ball, etc. Also, BALLS in general. He looooooooves to hold them and throw them and talk about them and take other kids' away. Looking like he'll be the athletic one of the family, since Graham has rarely shown interest. Loves pushing the toy mower and riding his toy racecar around inside. LOVES being outside, exploring or swinging. Loves books and will bring me books to read all day long. Graham is definitely in the "frenemy " category, but Audrey has his heart. He still squeals over her, gives her kisses, plays with her hands and feet. So, so presh.

Mom's Proudest Moment: Probably watching him become a big brother. He's kinda at a tough age right now, asserting independence without the skills or communication to go with it. So to see him love all over Audrey with such a tender heart has been incredibly special -and surprising. He squeals over her and kisses her and wants to be near her all day long. Melt my heart.

Big brother duty- encouragement during tummy time ;)

Dad's Proudest Moment: "Helping" me with so many projects around the house and in the yard.

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