Friday, August 5, 2016

What's it like...??

So many people have asked me about what it's been like transitioning to 3 kiddos, but I think the real question is- What's it like to have 3 kiddos 3 and under?? Because that's the kicker, let's be honest! We're talking basically three babies. All of my kiddos are 20 months apart, so when Audrey was born, Owen was 20 months, and Graham was a few months over 3 years. Now, Audrey's almost 4 months, Owen just turned 2, and Graham is a little over 3.5 years. Here are some of my thoughts so far... 

  • It's a beautiful mess. So many beautiful moments of being in awe over these sweet little babes God formed in me, of sibling snuggles and giggles, of loving the mommy life... And then so many messy moments of toddler tantrums, all-around needy-ness, and my impatience. #keepinitreal

A non-posed hug I walked in on the other day.  #presh
  • I've said this from the first couple of weeks, and it's still true... God's given me enough good days to help me feel encouraged, and enough really hard days to keep me humble and dependent on Him.
  • I read somewhere that with littles, there are usually 20 minute blocks of chaos/ meltodwns, and then it's over. You can set your timer, and usually in 20 minutes, you can calm down a tantrum, change a diaper, give a snack, discipline, nurse a baby, whatever needs to be done, and then it's back to relative calmness. I've found this to be mostly true, and helps me not get caught in the trap that thinking the whole day was people screaming at me. Usually just 20 minutes here and there... 
  • Because sometimes, it does feel like there's always someone screaming at me!!! 

  • There's always grace. Always. I've just learned to look for it. On my hardest days, Andrew will surprise me by coming home from work a little early, or Owen won't have a meltdown when I say the word "no," or Audrey will nurse really fast so I can get on to the next thing, or I'll have patience in a situation where I would usually lose my mind. God has been opening my eyes to His little gifts, His grace time and time again. 
I cannot handle the cuteness of this pineapple onesie.
Sometimes Audrey's outfits are my grace for the day. Haha

  • Just do the next thing. I think Elisabeth Elliott is the one who said this. It helps me when it just feels completely overwhelming with everyone's needs and my disaster of a house and the fact that I have to feed these people so.many.times! Haha.
  • I have to schedule when I take a shower. Yep. #life.. It's embarrassing how long I've gone since Audrey's been born. It just doesn't happen unless I schedule it these days.
  • I always make breakfast the night before now. We're scrambled eggs/ banana bread/ oatmeal type people, but everyone wants to eat ASAP when they wake up... And I cannot for the life of me get myself out of bed before the kiddos, to make everyone else's breakfast. This simple thing of making it at night has helped our mornings so much. 

  • I've become more laid back with each baby. This helps everythingggggggggggg. I laugh with and at my kiddos a lot more. ;)

  • It's already choas. I've already done a newborn and 20 month old before, so I'm just adding a 3 year old into the mix this time-- which is the easiest age for me so far! He can go to the potty, put on his own shoes, feed himself, doesn't have a tantrum every single time I say no.... It's pretty amazing. 
  • Daddy is SUPERMAN. Every time he comes home. Praise Jesus for Andrew.

Love my babies and wouldn't change a thing!!!

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