Saturday, August 6, 2016

Audrey's name meaning

Audrey Katherine Buckle. Andrew and I always have such a hard time naming our kids, but this was our easiest pick by far. My mom's mom-- my grandmother and little Audrey's great-grandmother-- passed away about a year before she was born, but lived an incredible life of honoring the Lord and loving her family. At her funeral, when people were describing her, the two words I kept hearing were "strong" and "kind," two characteristics we hope for our little Audrey. I remember thinking I was so proud to be her granddaughter, and now I am so proud to name my little girl after her. I so wish Grandmom could hold little Audrey, and that I could've seen her face when she found out we named our baby after her. "Audrey" means "noble strength," which reminds me of the verse we have up in her room, that we've been praying into her life... Proverbs 31.25. "She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future."  

It's also a tribute to my own mother, who has modeled unconditional love for her children over and over. Andrew is big on name meanings, so the boys each have significant meanings- Graham: war-like and Owen: young fighter, because we want them to fight for things that matter and be warriors in God's kingdom. Each of their middle names is after Andrew's two grandfathers. Audrey's middle name, Katherine, means "pure," which we love, and is also Elisabeth Elliot's mother's name (spelled differently), who I wanted to incorporate somehow. The boys and I had been calling the baby in my belly "Audrey-Luke" for months, because if she had been a boy, Luke would've been the name we would've used. I thought Graham might call her "Audrey-Luke" for months after she was born too, but he quickly switched to "Audrey" with no problem. He was so confident she was a girl my whole pregnancy anyway! Haha. Owen just squealed over her for the first few weeks, but now he calls her "babydoll," which is adorable, because he can't say "Audrey."

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