Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Audrey at 4 months

Weight:  14.8!!!!!   We have her 4 month checkup in a few days, so we'll find out then. First time I haven't been nervous about a weigh-in. She's definitely eating and gaining well.

Height: ??

Clothing size: 6 months. A few days after she turned 3 months, we ran out of disposables and went back to cloth diapers. She was getting close already, but the thick, fluffy cloth immediately bumped her up a size in clothes. 

Diaper size: Back to cloth! She was rocking her brothers' stash of blue and gender-neutral diapers, but my sweet friend April gave us her first pink cloth diaper, which made me so incredibly happy. And then another friend and I swapped colors, since she needed boy colors and I needed girl... Perfect! Now babydoll has several shades of pink, purple, and even a butterfly print. Looooooove.
Feeding: Still nursing about every 3 hours during the day, and then once during the night. We're still not on a super consistent schedule, but a "typical" ish day for her is to nurse at
6:30am, 9:30am, 12:30pm, 3:30pm, 6:30pm, 9:30pm, and then will wake up once in the middle of the night to eat, usually around 3ish.

Sleeping: She gets a good morning nap before we leave the house for the day, then usually has a super quick nap while we're out, and then a nice, long afternoon nap (coordinated with the boys' nap/room time), and then a quick one around dinner time. She hasn't been the typical scheduled baby we usually produce, but I'm trying to just roll with it, and it's working for us.

Milestones: She just laughed for the first time a couple days ago!!! Smiling and cooing a lot. Lots of noises. She rolls to her side, but not all the way over yet. Scoots around her crib. Gets stuck in the crib slats. ;)

Likes: Still similar to her newborn days... Being held. Mama's milk. The Ergo. Her paci. Being swaddled. Also, she loves being talked to, looked in the eyes, undivided attention (which I have to be intentional to give her, with her older brothers also vying for my time!!)

We sneak in porch swinging whenever we can!

She doesn't know yet, but she totally has a crush on Beau baby. ;)

Meeting sweet baby Martha and getting some snuggles from Elodie too. ;)

Dislikes: Mostly still the same as her whole life-- Not being held. Her car seat. Tummy time. (Baths have improved some- she doesn't scream the whole time anymore.)
Tummy time staredown. 

Adventures: First trip to the pool. Many, many trips to the splash pad. Owen's & Mommy's birthdays. First Cow Appreciation Day. First stroller ride!!!

I usually carry her, and keep her brothers contained in the stroller,
but she liked riding for the first time!!

What we couldn't live without: How many times can I say the Ergo?!

Best part of parenting this age: This age is really fun! We're all kinda in the swing of things now... Not so sleep deprived, the boys are adjusted, we're in a good rhythm and enjoying our summer days... And she is just so sweet. All that to say, I'm definitely at my max capacity. Not much room for much more anything!!

First Daddy-daughter dance
(alllllllllllll the heart eyes)

Hardest part of parenting this age: Having three kiddos three and under is really really sweet and really really hard. They're needy. They scream a lot. I cry. But I wouldn't have it any other way. Love my babes.

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