Saturday, September 10, 2016

Audrey at 5 months

"Happy girls are the prettiest girls." -Audrey Hepburn

Profile shot. Fascinated by her big brothers' shenanigans. ;)

Weight:  No checkup this month, so we'll find out at 6 months.

Height: ??

Clothing size: 6 months.
I'm obsessed with baby girl clothes.

Diaper size: Rockin' the cloth and loving our pink additions to the stash.

Feeding: Still nursing about every 3 hours during the day, but not at night anymore!!!! Definitely more in the groove of a schedule this past month. Nursing usually around these times still-
6:30am, 9:30am, 12:30pm, 3:30pm, 6:30pm, 9:30/10pm
She's still a dream to nurse. Fast, painless, and no mystery. If she's hungry, she eats. If she's not, she turns away. No guess work and I love it. She's gaining well, and I almost don't even worry about it anymore. I can't believe I'm actually enjoying it this time. Thought that would never happen. What a sweet gift from Jesus.

Sleeping: Same as last time... She gets a good morning nap before we leave the house for the day, then usually has a super quick nap while we're out, and then a nice, long afternoon nap (coordinated with the boys' nap/room time), and then a quick one around dinner time.She's a tummy sleeper now!!! And sleeping through the night!!!! (10pm-6/7am) #gamechanger

Bedtime stories with Daddy & big brothers
Milestones: She started rolling both ways this month! Right after she turned 4 months, so she's a pro now. I wish I had a video of the first time Graham saw her roll over. We'd been talking about how she was getting close and it would probably happen soon. When it did, he looked so amazed and proud and in awe. So presh!!!

Likes:Does this ever change? Girl knows what she likes. Besides the usual list, I would add chewing on her hands/ thumb/ fingers. Can't figure out if she's starting to teethe or if she just would rather suck on her hands than a paci?  Being held. Mama's milk. The Ergo. Her paci.  Attention- being sung to, baby-talked to, etc. Owen loves to play "patty-cake" with her, and Graham calls her "squishy-face" and squeezes her cheeks to make her lips purse, and then laughs hysterically. She doesn't seem to mind. ;)
It was love at first sight for these two.

Dislikes: Mostly still the same as her whole life-- Not being held. Her car seat. Tummy time is getting better since she started sleeping on her tummy.

Adventures: First ponytail. ;) Baptism. First baths with the boys... Wish I'd gotten some internet-appropriate pictures of that experience, but just know her expressions were hilarious as the boys went nuts-o. Haha.

What we couldn't live without:Ergo for the win. I am 100% sure I would've lost my mind by now if a carrier like this had not been invented.

Out like a light in the Ergo, as the boys take over the library.

Best part of parenting this age: She is just so, so precious. This has been, without a doubt, her happiest month. She smiles a ton now, especially in response to me, which I loooooooove. She'll be screaming bloody murder in the crib, and the second I walk in, she turns it right into a grin without missing a beat. Sweet thing's got us wrapped around her little finger already.... And seeing sibling love grow!!! The boys discovered they can make  her laugh now, which is PRECIOUS.

Owen's first time giving her a bottle
Hardest part of parenting this age: Same as last time---Having three kiddos three and under is really really sweet and really really hard. They're needy. They scream a lot. I cry. But I wouldn't have it any other way. Love my babes.

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